(a)   The proposal of the County Recorder, (attached and incorporated herein as if fully rewritten) submitted in accordance with Ohio R.C. 317.321, is hereby received.
   (b)   The County Executive's office is hereby directed to review the aforementioned proposal and submit a recommendation to County Council to approve, reject or modify the proposal.
   (c)   The proposal of the County Recorder under Ohio R.C. 317.321 is hereby approved for the fiscal year 1994.
   (d)   An amount of seventy cents ($.70) of the fee increases established in Ohio R.C. 317.08 and 317.32 is hereby allocated to the special fund established herein. Such allocation shall be effective for the period January 1, 1994 to December 31, 1994.
   (e)   The County Fiscal Officer is hereby directed to establish a special fund titled "General fund moneys to supplement the equipment needs of the County Recorder".
   (f)   The Clerk of County Council is hereby directed to notify the Auditor of State of the establishment of the special fund.
   (g)   All funds collected in accordance with subsection (d) hereof that are in excess of the total amount of the attached proposal, as approved by County Council, shall be transferred to the County General Fund.
(Res. 93-685. Approved 12-10-93.)