In Local Business, General Business, Shopping Center, Motorist Service and Restaurant- Recreational Services Districts, notwithstanding any other provision of this Zoning Code, the land area occupied by main and accessory buildings shall not exceed twenty-five percent of the total area of the parcel being developed. In General Business Districts, such percentage of building coverage may be increased if the Planning Commission finds that by providing the required number of accessory parking spaces on an adjacent parcel within a walking distance of 250 feet from the main building, the off-street parking and loading facility requirements set forth in Chapter 1270 of this Zoning Code will be satisfied.
Whenever the required accessory off-street parking facilities are proposed to be located on a parcel other than the one occupied by the main building served, the Planning Commission may require a copy of the agreements covering such an arrangement as set forth in Section 1270.07 of this Zoning Code.
(Ord. 1978-165. Passed 10-16-78.)
(Ord. 1978-165. Passed 10-16-78.)