Food Handling Establishments
713.01   Definitions.
713.02   Classification of food handling establishments.
713.03   Examination and condemnation of unwholesome food products.
713.04   Inspection of food handling establishments; placards.
713.05   Food handling permit.
713.06   Cleanliness and clothing.
713.07   Cleansing of eating utensils.
713.08   Prohibited places for the serving of food.
713.09   General sanitary conditions.
713.10   Displaying of foods; wrapping.
713.11   Cold storage products.
713.12   Decayed or contaminated food.
713.13   Sale of meat or fish from vehicles.
713.14   Slaughtering animals.
713.15   Ice.
713.16   Water used in manufacturing ice.
713.17   Milk and cream.
713.18   Vegetables; fruits.
713.19   Adulterated food; sale under false or fraudulent name.
713.20   Vehicles used in the transportation of food products.
Authority to regulate - see W.Va. Code 8-12-5(12)
Restaurants - see W.Va. Code Art. 16-6
Pure food and drugs - see W. Va. Code Art. 16-7