   EDITOR'S NOTES: Ordinance 301A, passed December 3, 1964, as amended by Ordinance 458, passed July 5, 1973, authorized a contract with the County for the purpose of jointly constructing an extension to the Municipal water system and providing for the sale of surplus water by the Municipality to the County for twenty years.
   In addition to the provisions of these Codified Ordinances, reference should also be made to the "Rules and Regulations of the Water Department - Village of Springboro," which Rules and Regulations were originally adopted by the Board of Trustees of Public Affairs of the Village, prior to the adoption of the Municipal Charter. Copies of such Rules and Regulations, and amendments thereof, are available, at cost, from the Division of Water.
1042.01   Definitions.
1042.02   Duties of the Service Director; rules and regulations; rates.
1042.03   Use of income and revenue; Waterworks General Fund.
1042.04   Quantity, quality, purity and temperature of water supply.
1042.05   Shut-off of service due to breakage or repairs.
1042.06   Right of entry; water turn-on fee/water shut-off fee.
1042.07   Liability for charges.
1042.08   Application for water service through existing lines required.
1042.09   Applications for service through new lines; responsibilities of applicants; payment for water meters.
1042.10   Tap-in fees.
1042.11   Water lateral inspection fee.
1042.12   Water meters required.
1042.13   Water meters generally.
1042.14   Estimated meter readings; broken seals; damaging or tampering with meters; testing; installation; multiple service; resale of service.
1042.15   Tap-in fee for unassessed property.
1042.16   Payment of tap-in fees.
1042.17   Water rates; billing.
1042.18   Payment of bills; penalty surcharges; discontinuance of service; application of rates.
1042.19   Oversizing charges.
1042.20   Tap-ins.
1042.21   Turning of curb stopcocks, fire hydrants and valves; permit required.
1042.22   Compliance with orders of Manager during fires or water shortages required.
1042.23   Maintenance of service main; leakages.
1042.24   Use of fire hydrants.
1042.25   Correction of bills due to leakage.
1042.26   Sale of water outside corporate limits prohibited.
1042.27   Temporary water service to contractors and builders.
1042.28   Water Capital Improvement Fund.
1042.29   Backflow prevention.
1042.30   New homes to install backflow prevention device. (Repealed)
1042.31   Yankee Road Utility Service Area; additional sewer and water tap-in fees.
1042.32   Water emergency; regulations and enforcement.
1042.33   Sprinkling meter regulations.
1042.99   Penalty.
Power to provide and regulate water system - see Ohio R.C. 715.08, 717.01, 743.01
Polluting and diverting watercourses - see GEN. OFF. 660.04
Tampering with erosion control devices - see GEN. OFF. 660.13
Utilities generally - see S.U. & P.S. Ch. 1040
Water supply in subdivisions - see P. & Z. 1246.04