(a) Charges for service shall be payable monthly or quarterly, depending on the classification of service for which bills are rendered. Amounts of less than ten dollars ($10.00) shall not be refunded on any utility bill overpayment.
(Ord. 10-27. Passed 6-17-10.)
(b) All water bills are due and payable upon receipt. A penalty of ten percent of the bill shall be added to any bill not paid by the twentieth day of the month. An additional one and one-half percent shall be added to the total for each additional thirty days the bill remains unpaid.
(Ord. 03-42. Passed 8-21-03.)
(c) If the charges are not paid within thirty days after the rendering of such bill, then such charges shall be deemed and are hereby declared to be delinquent. If such charges are not paid within forty-five days after the rendering of such bill, the Municipality is authorized to discontinue service after ten days notice. A water shut off fee as set forth in the Fee Schedule in Section 1464.05 of Chapter 1464 of the Codified Ordinances shall be charged to discontinue service. A water turn on fee as set forth in the Fee Schedule in Section 1464.05 of Chapter 1464 of the Codified Ordinances shall be charged to restore discontinued service. Charges accruing under the provisions of Section 1042.17 and 1042.18 are collectible by the City or its authorized agent along with reasonable administrative costs thereon by other means. Reasonable administrative costs associated with the collection of delinquent utility bills include but are not limited to, fees in an amount up to an additional fifty percent (50%) of the total delinquent amount, including the tax amount, interest and penalties of any post judgment account assigned to a collection agency.
(Ord. 10-27. Passed 6-17-10; Ord. O-24-6. Passed 3-7-24.)
(e) The water rates specified in Section 1042.17(b) shall apply to every dwelling unit, business and other consumer in the Municipality and to other areas serviced by the Municipality.
(Ord. 03-42. Passed 8-21-03.)