   160.01   Housing code established; title
   160.02   Findings
   160.03   Purpose of chapter
   160.04   Scope
   160.05   Definitions
   160.06   Conflicting provisions
   160.07   Buildings unfit for human habitation declared nuisance
   160.08   Responsibilities of owners and occupants
   160.09   Access by owner
Minimum Housing Inspector
   160.26   Creation of office
   160.27   Qualifications
   160.28   Appointment
   160.29   General duties
   160.30   Powers
   160.31   Right of entry
   160.32   Duties with regard to buildings and construction
   160.33   Conflict of interest
Minimum Housing Standards
   160.51   Applicability of subchapter; compliance
   160.52   Minimum standards of fitness; unsafe conditions
   160.53   Minimum standards of fitness; minor violations
Vacant, Neglected, Abandoned Residential Properties
   160.61   Vacant, neglected and abandoned residential properties
   160.62   Regulation of boarded up residential structures
Inventory of Residential Structures
   160.71   Inventory of vacant residential structures
Boarding/Rooming Houses
   160.76   Applicability of chapter
   160.77   Water closet, lavatory and bath facilities
   160.78   Minimum floor area for sleeping purposes
   160.79   Maintenance of sanitary conditions
   160.86   Compliance with orders; violations
   160.87   Preliminary investigation; notice; minimum housing hearing
   160.88   After the minimum housing hearing
   160.89   Structures in the historic district
   160.90   Intent to repair order
   160.91   Violations, penalties, appeal
   160.92   Failure to comply with order
   160.93   Appeals
   160.94   Petition to Superior Court
   160.95   Service of complaints and orders
   160.96   In rem action by inspector; placarding of buildings
   160.97   Costs of repairs, demolition, etc., to constitute lien
   160.98   Action to remove occupant
Charter reference:
   Economic development projects, § 8.50.
State Law reference:
   Fair housing, G.S. Ch. 41A; North Carolina Housing Finance Agency, G.S. Ch. 122A; North
    Carolina Housing Trust and Oil Overcharge Act, G.S. Ch. 122E; minimum housing standards,
    G.S. 160A-441 et seq.; right of handicapped to housing, G.S. 168-9.
Cross reference:
   Administration, Ch. 2; buildings, Ch. 7; fire prevention and protection, Ch. 9; "rooming house" defined, § 1-2.