725.01 Definition and purpose.
725.02 Applicability.
725.03 Permitted principal uses and lot requirements.
725.04 Accessory uses and structures.
725.05 Conditional uses.
725.06 Height requirements.
725.07 Regulations for noncomplying buildings.
725.08 Landscaping.
725.09 Off street parking and loading regulations.
725.10 Application and approval process for infill development.
Municipal zoning - see R.C. §§ 713.06 et seq.
Prohibited uses, activities, and conditions - see P. & Z. 711.06
Permitted uses in Residential Districts - see P. & Z. Ch. 721
Accessory uses and structures in Residential Districts - see P. & Z. Ch. 722
Conditional uses in Residential Districts - see P. & Z. Ch. 723
Height requirements - see P. & Z. Ch. 724
Nonconforming uses - see P. & Z. 750.01, Ch. 751
Noncomplying buildings - see P. & Z. Ch. 752
Board of Zoning Appeals and variance procedures - see P. & Z. 762.04
Conditional use procedures - see P. & Z. 762.05
Determination of similar uses - see P. & Z. 762.09
Landscaping - see P. & Z. Ch. 771
Parking - see P. & Z. Ch. 772
(a) Definition. Residential infill development is new construction or installation of housing on vacant or underutilized lots within established neighborhoods. Infill development involves the physical and administrative processes of preparing these lots for development.
(b) Purpose and Intent. This Residential Infill Overlay District is designed to accomplish the following:
(1) To provide development options that increase the amount of residential housing options as well as make them potentially more affordable;
(2) To ensure that new and remodeled single-family dwellings and related accessory uses and structures are compatible with the existing neighborhood, the established lot, and building design;
(3) To establish and maintain a balance between preserving the character of mature neighborhoods while accommodating compatible new residential development;
(4) To establish architectural standards that will preserve the character of their existing neighborhoods; and
(5) Create clear and streamlined administrative procedures for the review and approval of new infill housing proposals.
(Ord. 14-23. Passed 12-11-23.)
(a) Explanation. An overlay district establishes an additional zoning district with a set of lot and building regulations that in some instances replace and in other instances rely on those regulations established in the conventional "base" residential zoning district so that any parcel of land lying in a Residential Infill Overlay District shall also lie in a base residential district. The City's Residential Infill Overlay District provides relaxed development standards for pre-existing lots of record for the construction of single-family and two-family residential uses.
(b) Location of Residential Infill Overlay District. The Residential Infill Overlay District shall apply to all parcels of land zoned R-75, R-60, R-50, or R-40 where infill housing is to be encouraged.
(c) Relationship to Base Districts. In the Residential Infill Overlay District, development standards of the base zoning district are to be replaced by those outlined in the Residential Infill Overlay District for all pre-existing lots of record where single-family and two-family residential development is proposed, so long as the development does not qualify as a planned unit residential development, and no new road is to be established.
(d) Relationship to Other Development Standards.
(1) All of the provisions of the South Euclid Zoning Code that are applicable to the underlying base district shall apply to residential infill development projects, except as specifically modified in this chapter.
(2) To the extent that these regulations conflict with other standards in this Code, these regulations shall apply.
(Ord. 14-23. Passed 12-11-23.)