772.01 Intent.
772.02 General provisions.
772.03 General design and layout requirements.
772.04 Off-street loading space requirements.
772.05 General maintenance requirements.
772.06 Required number of off-street parking spaces; location.
772.07 Parking inoperable automobiles.
772.08 Parking or storage of commercial or construction vehicles and equipment.
772.09 Parking or storage of recreational vehicles.
772.10 Joint parking facilities.
772.11 Off-site and shared parking.
772.12 Drive-through stacking.
772.13 Parking inoperable automobiles.
772.14 Cart corrals.
772.15 Municipal parking lots.
Conditional Uses
772.16 General standards; responsibility of planning commission.
772.17 Accessory parking for existing commercial establishments.
Parking Space Computation
772.18 Rules and regulations for computing required parking spaces.
Definitions - see P. & Z. 710.08
Enforcement, Violations and Penalties - see P. & Z. Chapter 764
Landscaping - see P. & Z. Chapter 771
Lighting - see BLDG. Chapter 1328
(a) Parking spaces shall be located on the lot with the uses for which they are required. Exceptions are for off-site and shared parking.
(b) When the requirement spaces for an unspecified use is unclear, the number of parking spaces shall be determined by the Zoning Administrator on the basis of similar requirement, the number of persons served or employed, and the capability of adequately serving the visiting public. The Board of Zoning Appeals can hear a variance request from the requirement per Section 762.04.
(c) When the intensity of use of any building, structure or premises shall be expanded through the addition of dwelling units, floor area, beds, eating capacity, or other unit of measurement, parking and loading facilities shall be provided for such increase in intensity of use.
(d) Whenever the existing use of a building, structure or premises shall hereafter be changed or converted to a new use permitted by this chapter, parking and loading facilities shall be provided as required for such new use.
(e) The use of any required loading or parking space for the storage of any motor vehicle for sale or rental, or for any purpose other than the parking of motor vehicles, is prohibited.
(f) No vehicle may be parked or stored on any surface other than a paved surface, designated parking space within the Commercial or Manufacturing District, or enclosed within a structure.
(g) Except on property where a parking lot or parking garage is the permitted principal use, no vehicle, including recreational and commercial vehicles, shall be parked, stored, or allowed to remain on a lot or parcel of land that does not contain a principal structure.
(h) The parking or storage of commercial vehicles and equipment in a Residential District, to the extent and in the manner herein described, is limited to the resident owner or occupant.
(i) Signs. Signs shall be provided according to the regulations set forth in Chapter 770.
(Ord. 05-12. Passed 7-23-12.)
(a) Surface and Curbing.
(1) All off-street parking areas shall be constructed using a paved surface of concrete, bituminous surface, approved pervious surface, or similar surfaces, with specifications conforming to the Building Code.
(2) All parking areas for nonresidential uses shall be completely curbed. Complete curbing may not be required if, innovative drainage techniques or storm water best management practices (BMPs) are employed, and in the written opinion of the City Engineer, the drainage system for the property and surrounding environment shall be best served if curbs were not present.
A. Off-street parking spaces shall be properly graded for drainage so that all water is drained within the zoning lot providing such spaces.
(3) All parking areas for nonresidential uses shall be clearly painted to show each parking space. Individual spaces shall be designed with appropriate bumper guards or curbs so that no part of the parked vehicle will extend beyond the boundary of the established parking space into any minimum required yard or onto adjoining property.
(b) Access to Parking Spaces.
(1) All required parking spaces shall be designed to provide direct access for vehicles. In no case can parking areas, which do not have direct access be considered a parking space meeting the requirement of this chapter. Except in all Residential Districts:
A. Entrances and exits to parking areas should be located so as to minimize traffic volume and conflicts with pedestrians, residential streets and busy intersections.
(2) Access Driveways for Parking Spaces. Access driveways to off-street parking spaces shall be provided according to the following standards:
A. Each access drive shall have a minimum width of ten feet for each direction. The maximum width for any access drive shall be 36 feet.
B. Only one two-way access drive, or a pair of one-way drives, shall be permitted for each 100 feet of public street frontage measured to the centerlines of each drive.
C. The centerline of any drive shall be at least 50 feet from the right-of-way line of any intersecting street, measured along the curb line of the street from which access is provided.
D. An apron with a minimum flare of three feet on either side shall be provided to join the driveway to the street.
E. Access to off-street parking spaces from a street right-of-way must be provided according to accepted highway design standards, and shall be approved by the Zoning Administrator in association with the Director of Public Safety.
F. An access driveway in a Commercial District from a street shall be at least 50 feet from any Residential District boundary.
(3) Parking spaces are unobstructed and have access to an aisle or driveway so that any automobile may be moved without moving another, and so that no maneuvering directly incidental to entering or leaving a parking space shall be on any public right-of-way or walkway.
(c) Vehicle Parking Space and Storage.
(1) Off-street parking facilities shall be utilized solely for the parking of passenger automobiles or light trucks of less than one ton capacity, belonging to patrons, occupants or employees of specified uses. Said parking facilities shall not be used for the storage, display, sale, repair, dismantling or wrecking of any vehicle, equipment or material, unless such facilities are enclosed in a building and otherwise permitted in the district.
(2) Parking space size shall be a minimum of 162 square feet and dimensions shall conform to Schedule 1: Parking Dimensions. The following minimum design standards shall be observed in laying out off-street facilities.
Schedule 1: Parking Dimensions | |||
Minimum Parking Space Size | |||
Angle of Parking | Width | Length | Minimum Aisle Width |
Parallel - One-way traffic | 8 feet | 22 feet | 12 feet |
Parallel - Two-way traffic | 8 feet | 22 feet | 20 feet |
90-degree | 9 feet | 18 feet | 22 feet |
60-degree | 9 feet | 18 feet | 17 feet (for one-way) |
45-degree | 9 feet | 18 feet | 13 feet (for one-way) |
Disabled | Refer to ADA guidelines | ||
(3) Within the Manufacturing District, a structurally sound wall or other abutment, no less than five feet nor more than eight feet high, approved by the Zoning Administrator, shall be installed:
A. Around each side of parking lot which adjoins a public street, sidewalk or alley.
B. For adequate screening of the parking lot from adjacent commercial or residential property.
(d) Parking Lot and Structures.
(1) Off-street parking spaces may be open to the sky or enclosed in a building. In any instance, when a building is constructed or used for parking facilities on the lot, said building shall be treated as any major structure and subject to all requirements thereof.
A. Parking structures should be designed with a facade treatment that reasonably screens the parked vehicles, at each level of the parking structure, from view from the street.
B. If a lot or garage is so operated that a charge is made for the use of the parking facilities, the rates for parking shall be legibly shown upon a sign installed expressly for that purpose.
(e) Pedestrian Circulation.
(1) Landscaping of parking spaces, buffers, and perimeter landscaping shall conform to the standards set forth in Chapter 771 Landscaping.
(2) All parking areas shall provide means of pedestrian circulation to the use and between the use and the street. Safe connections shall be provided within parking lots, which connect to the on-site businesses. The use of special pavement materials to distinguish between pedestrian and vehicular areas is encouraged.
A. Walkways shall be provided in large parking areas and in parking areas that are associated with a high pedestrian volume and shall be clearly distinguished and separated from the automobile parking spaces and aisles.
B. These walkways shall be integrated with existing sidewalks and pedestrian routes and coordinated with the surrounding neighborhoods where pedestrian routes are located.
C. Such walkways shall be constructed of concrete, stone or brick and set apart and enhanced with landscaping and lighting.
D. Treatment shall be provided to emphasize a pedestrian environment, separate pedestrian ways from parking areas, enhance architectural features, provide shade, and strengthen vistas and important axes between the development and other locations.
(3) All walkways and parking facilities shall conform to the design requirements established by the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).
(g) Off-street bicycle parking shall be provided as follows:
(1) Bicycle parking. Off-street bicycle parking shall be provided as follows:
A. A bicycle parking space required shall be at least six feet long and two feet wide with a five-foot access aisle and a vertical clearance of at least six feet.
B. All required bicycle facilities must be in accordance with the Association of Pedestrian and Bicycle Professional Bike Parking Guidelines.
C. All required bicycle facilities must be included on all site plans. Site plans must include a table that shows the square footage calculations and the resulting required spaces.
D. Bicycle parking that requires a user-supplied locking device shall be designed to accommodate U-shaped locking devices.
1. All lockers and racks must be securely anchored to the ground or the building structure to prevent racks and lockers from being removed from the location.
2. Racks must support the bicycle frame and at least one wheel and allow for the frame and wheel to be locked to the rack either through a U-lock or other device.
3. Racks that hold the bike by the wheel with no way to lock the frames and wheel to the rack with a U-lock are not permitted. Grid or fence style racks and wave or ribbon style racks are not permitted. The Building Department can supply approved systems.
4. The surface of bicycle parking facilities shall be designed and maintained to be free of debris.
5. Existing traditional-type racks, which support only one wheel or other racks that are inconsistent, shall not count toward the bicycle parking requirement of this section.
(2) When automobile parking spaces are provided in a structure, all required bicycle spaces shall be located inside that structure in accordance with the following requirements:
A. All spaces must be at ground level.
B. All spaces must be provided free of charge.
C. All spaces must be clearly marked as bicycle parking.
D. All spaces must be located in a location that:
1. Is illuminated with twice the amount of sight as the vehicular parking space.
2. Is separated from vehicular parking by some form of barrier to minimize the possibility of parked bicycles being hit by a car.
3. Is no farther from the pedestrian entrance/exit than the nearest non-handicapped vehicular parking space.
(3) Bicycle parking requirements:
A. One- and two-family: no requirement.
B. Multifamily: one space per two units.
C. Commercial uses: one space per 25 vehicle spaces.
D. Institutional uses:
1. Educational uses (colleges/universities, high schools, junior high schools and elementary schools): one space per five students.
2. Library, museum, gallery: one space per 500 square feet.
3. Auditorium, church, synagogue: one space per 20 seats (or 40 feet of bench), or one space per 3,000 square feet, whichever is greater.
4. Manufacturing and industrial uses: no requirement.
5. Where bicycle parking is required, no fewer than two spaces and no more than 50 spaces shall be required.
6. For any use not described, the Planning Commission will determine bicycle parking.
(h) Miscellaneous. Trash and recycling dumpsters shall not be located in required parking spaces.
(Ord. 05-12. Passed 7-23-12.)