Residential Infill Overlay District
725.01   Definition and purpose.
725.02   Applicability.
725.03   Permitted principal uses and lot requirements.
725.04   Accessory uses and structures.
725.05   Conditional uses.
725.06   Height requirements.
725.07   Regulations for noncomplying buildings.
725.08   Landscaping.
725.09   Off street parking and loading regulations.
725.10   Application and approval process for infill development.
   Municipal zoning - see R.C. §§ 713.06 et seq.
   Prohibited uses, activities, and conditions - see P. & Z. 711.06
   Permitted uses in Residential Districts - see P. & Z. Ch. 721
   Accessory uses and structures in Residential Districts - see P. & Z. Ch. 722
   Conditional uses in Residential Districts - see P. & Z. Ch. 723
   Height requirements - see P. & Z. Ch. 724
   Nonconforming uses - see P. & Z. 750.01, Ch. 751
   Noncomplying buildings - see P. & Z. Ch. 752
   Board of Zoning Appeals and variance procedures - see P. & Z. 762.04
   Conditional use procedures - see P. & Z. 762.05
   Determination of similar uses - see P. & Z. 762.09
   Landscaping - see P. & Z. Ch. 771
   Parking - see P. & Z. Ch. 772