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Skiatook Overview
Skiatook, OK Code of Ordinances
   A.   Compliance Required: No person shall keep, own, maintain, use or have possession of any animals within the city unless such animals are kept under the conditions of this section.
   B.   Large Animals; Permit Requirements:
      1.   No person shall keep any large animal without first obtaining a permit.
      2.   Permits for the keeping of large animals shall be issued only to those applicants who provide facilities for the keeping of such large animals in quarters as set out herein, which will confine the large animals within limits not closer than three hundred feet (300') to the exterior limits of any dwelling resided in by anyone other than the applicant unless such other building is owned by the applicant.
   C.   Small Animals; Permit Requirements: Except as provided in subsection D of this section, permits for the keeping of small animals shall be issued only to those applicants who provide facilities for the keeping of such small animals in enclosed quarters which will confine the small animals within such structure not closer than three hundred feet (300') to the exterior limits of any dwelling resided in by anyone other than the applicant.
   D.   Exceptions And Conditions Regarding Small Animal Permit Issuance:
      1.   FFA Or 4-H Club Members: A permit to keep and raise small animals, not to exceed ten (10) in number, may be issued to a resident of the city under the age of eighteen (18) years who is a member of an educational, benevolent youth group, such as FFA, 4-H Club or other similar club and has as his or her project the raising or showing of such animals under the direct sponsorship of an adult representative or official of such club. Before a permit shall be issued to such a youthful applicant, it shall first appear that the applicant is a member of such a club by verification with the club sponsor of such club. The adult sponsoring such youthful person shall promise in writing to monitor the husbandry operation of such person to assure that the operation is conducted in a clean and sanitary manner. (1991 Code § 3-16)
      2.   Humane Care; Notice Of Violation; Hearing: Should it ever appear that the animals being maintained under a permit issued under this subsection are not being cared for in a humane, sanitary and clean condition, the city clerk shall immediately issue a notice of violation to the applicant, conduct a hearing within five (5) days following service of the notice, and if it is found that the operation is not humane, safe and sanitary or is otherwise a nuisance, the application shall be revoked; and the exception created by this subsection shall no longer apply.
      3.   Pet Stores: A permit may also be issued to a commercial pet shop where small animals are not permitted to breed and are kept in pens located entirely within the walls of a commercial store located on a tract of property duly zoned CG or greater and are held for retail resale so long as it appears to the city clerk that the same will not constitute a nuisance, as that phrase is defined at common law and by this code. A permit issued to such a commercial pet store shall be subject to revocation should the operation ever be found to be a nuisance after notice and hearing as provided in subsection D2 of this section. (1991 Code § 3-16; amd. Ord. 2013-3, 2-12-2013)
   E.   Nuisance Conditions Prohibited: It shall be the duty of the holder of any permit provided for in this section to maintain and operate the housing and keeping of such animals in such a manner as not to create a nuisance as determined by this code and the common law of this state.
   F.   Feed Storage; Inspection: Every keeper of any such animal shall cause all feed provided therefor to be stored and kept in a ratproof, fly and insect tight building, and the premises shall be subject to inspection by the animal control officer or any of his representatives at any reasonable hour of the day. (1991 Code § 3-16)
   G.   Violation Cause For Permit Revocation: The failure of any keeper of such animals to comply with the provisions of this section or sanitation standards shall be cause for the revocation of any such permit issued by the city clerk. (1991 Code § 3-16; amd. Ord. 2013-3, 2-12-2013)
   A.   Dog Or Cat License Required: No person shall own, keep, or harbor any dog or cat within the city limits unless such dog or cat is licensed as provided in this section.
   B.   Application For License; Fee; Rabies Vaccination:
      1.   Required Information: Application for such license shall be made to the city clerk. The application shall state the name and address of the person or persons applying for said license, also the breed, age, sex, and color and name of the dog or cat.
      2.   Payment Of Fee; Issuance Of Receipt And Tag: The license fee shall be paid at the time of making application for license. A numbered receipt shall be given to the applicant and there shall be issued to said applicant a numbered metallic tag, stamped with the tag number and the year for which issued.
      3.   Proof Of Rabies Vaccination: No license shall be issued for any dog or cat unless the owner thereof furnishes written proof that said dog or cat has been vaccinated against rabies within the past twelve (12) months by a licensed veterinarian.
   C.   Fees Enumerated: The yearly license fee shall be five dollars ($5.00) for a neutered male or spayed female, and ten dollars ($10.00) for an unneutered male or unspayed female, and plus a tag fee at an amount representing the city's cost for the tag.
   D.   License Term; Tag Attached To Collar; Duplicate Tag: All licenses shall be issued for a period of one year, and every owner is required to see that the tag is securely fastened to the collar or harness of the dog or cat and must be worn by the dog or cat at all times. In the event the tag is lost, the owner can obtain a duplicate tag upon payment of an amount representing the city's cost for the tag.
   E.   Keeping Animals Under Restraint: The owner or keeper shall keep his dog under restraint at all times and shall not permit such dog to be at large. Cats must wear a municipal license at all times and are subject to the same regulations as dogs.
   F.   Impoundment Of Dogs And Cats; Disposition:
      1.   Any dog or unlicensed cat or other small animal kept as a house pet found running at large shall be picked up and immediately impounded in the animal shelter and there confined in a humane manner.
      2.   Dogs and cats and other small animals not claimed by their owner or keeper before the expiration of seventy two (72) hours, exclusive of Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays, shall become the property of the city and shall be disposed of at the discretion of the city.
   G.   Notice Of Animals Running At Large Or Impoundment To Owners:
      1.   When dogs or cats are found running at large and their ownership is known to agents of the city, such dogs or cats need not be impounded, but the agent may, at his discretion, cite the owner or keeper of such dog or cat to appear in court to answer to charges of violations of this section.
      2.   Immediately upon impounding dogs or cats or other animals, the agent of the city charged with the enforcement hereof shall make every possible effort to notify the owners of such dogs, cats or other animals so impounded and inform such owners of the conditions whereby they may regain custody of such animal or animals.
      3.   Small unlicensed animals, other than dogs or cats, shall be impounded when found running at large within the city limits and disposed of in accordance with the provisions of this section or other applicable laws.
   H.   Reclamation Of Impounded Animals:
      1.   The owner of impounded animals shall be entitled to resume possession of any dog or cat or other small animal kept as house pets, except as hereinafter provided in the cases of certain dogs, cats, or other small animals kept as house pets upon compliance with the license provisions of this chapter and payment of impoundment fees as provided.
      2.   Any small animal impounded under the provisions of this section may be reclaimed by the owner upon the payment of the impoundment fee as provided.
      3.   Any animal impounded under the provisions of this section and not reclaimed by its owner within seventy two (72) hours may be adopted.
   I.   Confinement Of Female Dog In Season:
      1.   Every female dog or cat in season (heat) shall be kept confined in such a manner that such female dog or cat cannot come in contact with other animals, except for controlled breeding purposes.
      2.   Female animals picked up by the animal control officer which are in season (heat) shall be kept separate from male animals at all times.
   J.   Nuisance Conditions Prohibited; Humane Treatment Of Animals:
      1.   All dogs, cats and other small animals kept as house pets within the city limits shall be housed, fed and protected from the weather in such a manner so as not to create a nuisance.
      2.   No person shall willfully or maliciously beat, injure, maim, or mutilate any animal whether belonging to himself or another, or fail to provide an animal with necessary food, drink and shelter. (Ord. 2022-07, 5-10-2022)
   A.   License Required; Application:
      1.   No person shall own, maintain or operate a kennel within the city unless such kennel is licensed as herein provided and in accordance with ordinances of the city in regard to operation of a business and location of said business applicable to all city codes. (1991 Code § 3-19)
      2.   Application for such licenses shall be made to the city clerk and shall state the name and address of the owner or operator of said kennel with the street address and legal description of the property upon which the kennel is located. (1991 Code § 3-19; amd. Ord. 2013-3, 2-12-2013)
   B.   License Fee; Display Of License: A kennel license fee shall be required and such license shall be exhibited in a conspicuous place on the premises. The fee for kennel license shall be set by the city council.
   C.   Proof Of Rabies Vaccination: A kennel owner must show proof of rabies vaccination on all animals over six (6) months of age when applying for a license.
   D.   Term Of License: A license shall be issued for a period of one year.
   E.   Sanitary Condition: Any person maintaining a kennel, whether for profit or not, shall maintain such kennel in a sanitary condition and shall be subject to the provisions of this section. Nonconforming kennels shall be deemed a public nuisance. (1991 Code § 3-19)
   A.   Dangerous Dogs: The owner or keeper shall confine within a building or secure enclosure every fierce, dangerous or vicious dog or other dangerous animal 1 , and not take such dog or other animal out of such building or secure enclosure unless such animal is securely muzzled.
   B.   Wild Animals: No undomesticated wild animals shall be kept within the city limits; provided, however, that wild animals may be kept for exhibition purposes by a circus, zoo, and by educational institutions, and by medical institutions in accordance with such regulations as shall be established by the city council by resolution.
   C.   Impoundment; Notice And Hearing: Any animal described in subsections A and B of this section found at large shall be impounded by the city and shall not be redeemed by the owner until such redemption is authorized by a court having jurisdiction and, after a hearing by the city council upon reasonable notice to the owner or owners, fierce, dangerous or vicious dogs or other animals may be destroyed.
   D.   Destruction Of Animals: When, in the judgment of the animal control officer, an animal should be destroyed for humane reasons, such animal may not be redeemed. (1991 Code § 3-14)



1. See also article A of this chapter.
   A.   Notice Of Biting; Quarantine: Every animal that bites or scratches a person shall be reported within four (4) hours or sooner to the chief of police or the animal control officer and shall thereupon at the expense of the owner or keeper be securely quarantined at the veterinarian hospital of the keeper's or owner's choice for a period of ten (10) days from the date the person was bitten, and shall not be released from such quarantine except by permission of the chief of police or animal control officer of the city and the veterinarian in charge of the quarantined animal. Failure of the owner to quarantine his animal will make him guilty of an offense.
   B.   Killing Or Removing Animal: No person shall kill or cause to be killed any rabid animal, any animal suspected of having been exposed to rabies, or any animal biting or scratching a human, except as herein provided, nor shall a person remove the animal from the city limits without written permission from the chief of police or the animal control officer of the city. (1991 Code § 3-18; amd. 2011 Code)
   C.   Failure To Surrender Animal: No person shall fail or refuse to surrender any animal for quarantine or destruction as required when demand is made therefor by an employee empowered to enforce this section. Such refusal shall be deemed an offense.
   D.   Interference With City Agent: No person shall interfere with, or hinder or molest any agent of the city in the performance of any duty of such agent, or seek to release any animal in the custody of the city or its agents, except as provided by law. (1991 Code § 3-18)
Any dog or cat which scratches, or digs into any flowerbed, garden, tilled soil, vines, shrubbery, or small plants, and in doing so, injures the same, or which habitually prowls around or over any premises, not the property of its owner or keeper, to the annoyance of the owner or occupant of said premises, or which overturns any garbage can or other vessel for waste products, or scatters the contents of same, or a dog which chases or kills any chicken or other domestic fowl, or animal, is hereby declared to be a nuisance. This section is in addition to, and not in contravention of, any other ordinances relating to dogs as a nuisance. (1991 Code § 3-3)
   A.   Location: It shall be unlawful and constitute a nuisance for anyone to keep large animals, small animals (except dogs and cats), or fowl of any kind, in the manner provided elsewhere in this chapter, or to maintain a place to keep the same at any point within the corporate limits of the city, which is within three hundred feet (300') of a dwelling house occupied by another person.
   B.   Reptiles: It shall also be unlawful and constitute a nuisance for anyone to keep snakes or alligators or any other reptile within the corporate limits of the city. (1991 Code § 3-4)
   A.   Isolation Of Diseased Animals: Every person owning, keeping or having any animal under his charge within the city, which he knows or suspects has been afflicted by any communicable disease, in particular by glanders, anthrax, or rabies, shall isolate the animal from other animals and shall report the existence or suspected existence of such disease to the animal control officer.
   B.   Adoption Of State Statute: All rules and regulations of the state board of health adopted pursuant to the provisions of 63 Oklahoma Statutes section 1-508, relating to the quarantine, isolation, impounding, immunization and disposal of animals, dogs cats and other domestic pets to prevent and control rabies, are hereby adopted by and made a part of the animal and health codes of the city to the extent that they do not conflict with the provisions of this chapter. (1991 Code § 3-7)
   A.   Fastening Prohibited: No person shall at any time fasten any horse, large animal or small animal to any hydrant, tree, or to any box or case around such tree, on any street, sidewalk, park or other public ground or passageway.
   B.   Impoundment; Penalty And Fee: The animal control officer, any police officer or other authorized person may impound any animal so fastened until any penalty as may be provided by law and a fee in the sum of forty five dollars ($45.00) or such sum as may hereafter be fixed by the city council for expenses reasonably incurred in keeping and caring for the animal are paid. If the fine and charges are not paid within seven (7) days, the animal shall be deemed a stray and treated as provided for herein. (1991 Code § 3-8)
Any person who finds an animal or fowl on his property to his injury or annoyance may:
   A.   Remove such animal or fowl to an animal shelter, public or private; or
   B.   Retain possession of such animal or fowl and, as soon as possible, notify the animal control officer or other appropriate existing agency of this custody, giving a description of the animal and the owner's name, if known. (1991 Code § 3-9)