§ 161.005 OBJECTIVES.
   The city recognizes potential or actual environ-mental concerns may exist in the Railyard Environ-mental District, including, but not limited to, areas where the city is required to monitor, oversee, and administer state or federal environmental restrictions. Based upon an evaluation of environmental factors and physical characteristics, the following objectives apply:
   (a)   Environmental controls and restrictions will be used to prevent or avoid the risk that development and redevelopment could create an exposure to regulated substances in concentrations that pose a risk to human health or further risk to the environment.
   (b)   Environmental controls require that development is uniformly reviewed and restrictions are applied under established procedures.
   (c)   Environmental controls require proper notification and coordination between regulatory agencies and the property owners, and a reasoned process to comply with environmental concerns.
(Ord. 73-18, passed 8-21-2018)