   Whereas the legislature of the state has determined that the historical, architectural, archaeological, paleontological and cultural heritage of this state is among its most important assets, it is hereby declared to be the purpose of this chapter to authorize the city to engage in a comprehensive program of historic preservation, to promote the use and conservation of historic properties for the education, inspiration, pleasure and enrichment of the citizens of this city. The city adopts this chapter pursuant to the authority of SDCL ch. 1-19B and by incorporating provisions therefrom in this chapter.
(1992 Code, § 19.5-1) (Ord. 14-86, passed 2-10-1986)
§ 151.015 CREATED.
   Pursuant to authority granted to the city in SDCL 1-19B-2, there is hereby created a historic preservation commission for the city. The historic preservation commission will be referred to as the Sioux Falls board of historic preservation, referred to in this subchapter as the board.
(1992 Code, § 19.5-7) (Ord. 14-86, passed 2-10-1986; Ord. 21-87, passed 4-6-1987)
§ 151.016 COMPOSITION.
   The board shall consist of not less than five nor more than ten members who shall be appointed by the mayor for a term of three years with due regard to proper representation of the fields as history, architecture, urban planning, archaeology and law.
(1992 Code, § 19.5-8) (Ord. 14-86, passed 2-10-1986; Ord. 26-99, passed 3-1-1999)
§ 151.017 VACANCIES.
   Any vacancy in the membership of the board shall be filled for the unexpired term in the same manner as for appointment.
(1992 Code, § 19.5-9) (Ord. 14-86, passed 2-10-1986)
§ 151.018 MEETINGS.
   The board shall hold at least one regular meeting each month. The board shall keep a record of its resolutions, transactions, findings and determinations, which shall be of public record.
(1992 Code, § 19.5-10) (Ord. 14-86, passed 2-10-1986)
   (a)   Pursuant to SDCL ch. 1-19B, the board may exercise the following powers, duties and responsibilities to:
      (1)   Conduct a survey of local historic properties, complying with all applicable standards and criteria of the statewide survey undertaken by the State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) of the state department of tourism;
      (2)   Participate in the conduct of land use, urban renewal and other planning processes undertaken by the city;
      (3)   Acquire fee and lesser interests in historic properties, including adjacent or associated lands, by purchase, bequest or donation;
      (4)   Preserve, restore, maintain and operate historic properties under the ownership or control of the board;
      (5)   Lease, sell and otherwise transfer or dispose of historic properties subject to rights of public access and other covenants and in a manner that will preserve the properties within its jurisdiction;
      (6)   Promote and conduct an educational and interpretive program on historic properties within its jurisdiction;
      (7)   Recommend ordinances and otherwise provide information for the purposes of historic preservation to the city council;
      (8)   Establish an endowment fund for the purpose of providing low interest loans and grants to allow for the restoration and preservation of historic properties;
      (9)   Recommend to the board of appeals exemptions from the building code relating to exterior features of structures designated by the city council as having historical or architectural significance;
      (10)   Cooperate with the federal, state and local governments in the pursuance of the objectives of historic preservation; and
      (11)   Contract, with the approval of the city council, with the state or the federal government, or any agency of either, or with any other organization.
   (b)   All lands, buildings, structures, sites, areas or objects acquired by funds appropriated by the city shall be acquired in the name of the city unless otherwise provided by the city council. If acquired by funds other than those appropriated by the city, the lands, buildings or structures may be held in the name of the board, the city, or both.
(1992 Code, § 19.5-11) (Ord. 14-86, passed 2-10-1986; Ord. 45-87, passed 6-22-1987)
   The city may acquire by purchase, donation or condemnation historic easements in any area within its jurisdiction wherever and to the extent that the city council determines that the acquisition will be in the public interest. For the purpose of this section, HISTORIC EASEMENT means any easement restriction, covenant or condition running with the land designated to preserve, maintain or enhance all or part of the existing state of places of historical, architectural, archaeological, paleontological or cultural significance.
(1972 Code, § 19-1/2-11(6); 1992 Code, § 19.5-12)