The provisions of chapter 110, insofar as the provisions may be applicable and not in conflict, shall apply to and govern the issuance of any license under the provisions of this subchapter.
(1992 Code, § 43-22) (Ord. 84-82, passed 8-9-1982)
Any person shall be deemed to have engaged in the business of operating a vehicle for hire if he or she keeps or maintains any vehicle for the purpose of engaging in a vehicle for hire business or if he or she accepts or permits any employee to accept any money or other thing of value from any passenger for transportation in a vehicle. Accepting a passenger under the guise that the transportation is purely gratuitous and that no payment of compensation or consideration is required shall not be deemed to remove the transaction from the effect of this subchapter. In any case where the driver or any person in charge of any vehicle does in fact accept any money or other thing of value, even though the money or thing of value is accepted or purported to be accepted as a gift or present or purported gift or present, the gift or present, or the purported gift or present, shall constitute prima facie evidence of an intent to accept compensation or hire for transportation.
(1957 Rev. Ords., § 8.703; 1992 Code, § 43-23) (Ord. 84-82, passed 8-9-1982)
Every person desiring a license to engage in a vehicle for hire business in the city shall complete an approved application, which shall include information required by the city. This application will be available in the city's licensing specialist office and shall include the following:
(a) Previous experience in a motor vehicle transportation business if applicable;
(b) A description of the motor vehicle proposed to be operated, including the seating capacity, the make, model, year, vehicle identification number (VIN), and commercial license plate number; and
(c) Any information deemed necessary by the city.
(1957 Rev. Ords., § 8.704; 1992 Code, § 43-24) (Ord. 84-82, passed 8-9-1982; Ord. 140-06, passed 10-16-2006; Ord. 139-08, passed 12-1-2008; Ord. 36-10, passed 4-12-2010; Ord. 24-14, passed 4-15-2014; Ord. 108-15, passed 11-2-2015; Ord. 108-23, passed 11-21-2023)
The city shall grant a vehicle for hire business license if satisfied that the applicant has complied with all of the terms and provisions of this chapter and if the evidence submitted in support of the application meets the conditions precedent to granting the license. A license decal issued by the city shall be permanently affixed to the lower left corner of the rear window of each vehicle for hire. The decal shall be visible at all times. A business license shall not be issued until:
(a) The vehicle for hire is in compliance with SDCL 32-9 Commercial Motor Vehicle Certificates.
(b) The city has determined that the applicant is in compliance with city ordinance.
(c) The applicant provides proof of sales tax license.
(d) The applicant is in good standing with the Department of Labor.
(e) All drivers are licensed per this chapter.
(1957 Rev. Ords., § 8.709; 1992 Code, § 43-25) (Ord. 84-82, passed 8-9-1982; Ord. 137-98, passed 12-21-1998; Ord. 24-14, passed 4-15-2014; Ord. 74-14, passed 10-14-2014; Ord. 108-15, passed 11-2-2015)
(a) A person shall not operate a TNC in Sioux Falls without first having obtained a license from the city licensing specialist. The city shall grant a business license if satisfied that the applicant has complied with all of the terms and provisions of this chapter and if the evidence submitted in support of the application meets the conditions precedent to granting the license.
(b) The City Licensing Specialist shall issue a license to each applicant that meets the requirements for a TNC set forth in this chapter, and pays an annual permit fee of $1,500 to the city. A licensing year, for the purposes of this section, begins February 1 and ends January 31 of the next year.
(c) The application shall include:
(1) The name and address of applicant;
(2) Trade name if any under which the license is to be exercised;
(3) If a partnership, the name and address of each partner;
(4) If a corporation, the names and addresses of the officers;
(5) Description of the activity to be carried on under the license;
(6) The name and contact information for an agent to be maintained for service of process in the State of South Dakota.
(7) The applicant provides proof of sales tax license if applicable.
(d) On a monthly basis, a TNC shall submit to the city a list of driver's license numbers and state of issuance for each active driver.
(Ord. 108-15, passed 11-2-2015)
(a) Any license issued under this subchapter may be suspended or revoked by the licensing specialist for the violation by the licensee of any applicable provision of city ordinance, state or federal law, rule or regulation, or for other good cause. The licensee may appeal through the procedures established by the administrative code provisions of this code according to the procedure set forth in § 30.040.
(b) If the licensing specialist finds good cause to suspend or revoke a business license, the licensing specialist may take immediate action to suspend or revoke the business license. A license suspension shall be temporary in nature and the terms of any suspension shall be specified at the time of issuance; however, if no other time period is specified for a license suspension, the suspension shall be deemed in effect for the initial maximum time period of 90 days. The suspension period may be reviewed and increased by up to 90-day increments if there is a valid reason for the extension. However, a total period of suspension shall not exceed one year under any circumstances. The business shall be informed of any temporary suspension or extension(s) of the suspension period. A business shall have the right to appeal any suspension, extension of a suspension, or revocation pursuant to the provisions of this code. Any circumstances or events that lead to a license suspension herein can similarly amount to good cause for a license revocation. A revocation may be ordered immediately without a suspension or at any time during or after a suspension.
(1957 Rev. Ords., § 8.711; 1992 Code, § 43-26) (Ord. 84-82, passed 8-9-1982; Ord. 137-98, passed 12-21-1998; Ord. 140-06, passed 10-16-2006; Ord. 36-10, passed 4-12-2010; Ord. 24-14, passed 4-15-2014; Ord. 108-15, passed 11-2-2015)