   (a)   The director may authorize the waiver or reduction of fees established in § 57.047 if the waste was generated in Minnehaha, McCook, Lincoln, Turner, or Lake Counties.
   (b)   The fees may only be waived under the following circumstances, upon application and pursuant to criteria and procedures as established by the director.
      (1)   The fees waived will be replaced or substantially replaced by a grant or other funding source that encourages the removal of a particular waste item or items from the community to be disposed of at the sanitary landfill;
      (2)   A group, city, or county conducts a single event that benefits a community or communities within Minnehaha, McCook, Lincoln, Turner, or Lake Counties;
      (3)   An annual free landfill pass may be authorized for distribution by government agencies to residents within the limits of the five- county area served by the sanitary landfill, subject to limits and restrictions as determined by the director; or
      (4)   A community enhancement project, approved in advance, that benefits elderly residents or residents with disabilities.
(1992 Code, § 18-30.1) (Ord. 5-12, passed 1-9-2012; Ord. 117-18, passed 12-11-2018; Ord. 45-23, passed 6-20-2023)
   The city’s household hazardous waste facility will serve as collection site for household or residential hazardous waste, large electronics, and hand-held electronics. Any fees authorized by § 57.047 shall be waived for any resident of the counties served by the sanitary landfill bringing their large electronics or hand-held electronics to the designated drop-off site for disposal. The city may participate in collection events within the five-county area served by the sanitary landfill.
(1992 Code, § 18-31) (Ord. 38-04, passed 4-5-2004; Ord. 63-06, passed 5-15-2006; Ord. 117-18, passed 12-11-2018)
   (a)   The following materials shall be excluded from the MSW and C&D disposal areas at the landfill:
      (1)   Office paper;
      (2)   Corrugated cardboard and chip board;
      (3)   Plastic containers #1 and #2;
      (4)   Metal containers;
      (5)   Automobile bodies or other bulky articles;
      (6)   Wood waste, such as tree branches and logs;
      (7)   Oils, gasoline, and other petroleum products;
      (8)   Hazardous materials;
      (9)   Hazardous waste;
      (10)   Yard waste;
      (11)   Lead acid batteries;
      (12)   Waste tires;
      (13)   White good appliances;
      (14)   Regulated medical waste;
      (15)   Radioactive materials;
      (16)   Large and hand-held electronics;
      (17)   Magazines;
      (18)   Newspaper; and
      (19)   Bulk-rate mail.
   (b)   Any person bringing material for deposit at the landfill, upon entry onto the landfill premises, authorizes the city to inspect the material before deposit. If excluded materials are discovered during the inspection, the city may refuse the entire load and charge the person attempting to deposit the materials the cost of the inspection.
(1957 Rev. Ords., § 7.910; 1992 Code, § 18-32) (Ord. 2308, passed 12-14-1964; Ord. 19-72, passed 4-10-1972; Ord. 56-74, passed 10-21-1974; Ord. 73-75, passed 11-17-1975; Ord. 88-81, passed 11-2-1981; Ord. 60-92, passed 6-22-1992; Ord. 56-94, passed 6-20-1994; Ord. 149-95, passed 11-20-1995; Ord. 43-97, passed 6-2-1997; Ord. 75-01, passed 8-6-2001; Ord. 15-03, passed 2-10-2003; Ord. 38-04, passed 4-5-2004; Ord. 63-06, passed 5-15-2006; Ord. 76-11, passed 10-3-2011; Ord. 117-18, passed 12-11-2018)
   It shall be unlawful for any person to remove or cause to be removed from the rubble sites or the sanitary landfills of this city any articles or material of any kind after the articles or materials have been deposited there, with the exception of the following.
   (a)   The city reserves the right to enter into a contract with one or more person(s) for the right of resource recovery at rubble sites.
   (b)   The city reserves the right to allow the cutting and removal of firewood from the wood waste area, provided, that persons cutting and removing firewood must wear protective clothing and abide by the safety regulations posted at the site.
   (c)   The city reserves the right to allow removal of finished compost and wood chips.
   (d)   The city reserves the right to recover materials for use at city facilities and to sell or transfer waste, by-products, recyclable materials, and scrap materials.
   (e)   Bicycles deposited at the landfill are considered abandoned and may be donated to a nonprofit organization as provided in SDCL 43-41-11.
(1957 Rev. Ords., § 7.911; 1992 Code, § 18-33) (Ord. 2308, passed 12-14-1964; Ord. 25-88, passed 4-11-1988; Ord. 149-95, passed 11-20-1995; Ord. 63-06, passed 5-15-2006; Ord. 117-18, passed 12-11-2018) Penalty, see § 10.999
   No person shall operate or permit the operation of a disposal site in the city for the disposal of garbage, litter, rubbish or animal waste.
(1992 Code, § 18-34) (Ord. 19-72, passed 4-10-1972; Ord. 73-75, passed 11-17-1975; Ord. 82-79, passed 9-4-1979; Ord. 149-95, passed 11-20-1995; Ord. 63-06, passed 5-15-2006)