Whenever because of an unusually high incidence of communicable disease in the community the health officer deems it necessary, he may by order require each child, before enrolling in such private school, private boarding school, day nursery, day nursery school, and children's boarding home, to be inspected for signs of communicable disease, and no person shall thereafter permit any child to enroll in such school, nursery or home without complying with the requirements of this section. Such inspection shall be made and certified to in writing within twenty-four hours of enrollment, by a physician in good professional standing, or by the health officer or his agent, and must reveal that such child showed no signs of communicable disease which would cause the child's association with other children to be in any way detrimental to their health.
(Prior code § 6.08.420 (Ord. 349 § 28, 1951))
Every child on returning after an illness of more than three days to a private day school, private boarding school, day nursery school, and children's boarding home, must present a certificate signed by a physician in good professional standing, or other practitioner authorized or permitted by law to practice in this state, or by the local health officer or his agent, or such other person designated by the health officer, stating that personal inspection of the child within twenty-four hours immediately preceding had revealed no signs of communicable disease which would cause the child's association with other children to be in any way detrimental to their health.
(Prior code § 6.08.430 (Ord. 349 § 29, 1951))
A. Daily, on admission, each child shall be inspected for suspicious signs of communicable disease and, if a child is under six years of age, such inspection shall be made before the child mingles with others.
B. It shall be the duty of the principal or other person in charge of any of the institutions referred to in this chapter immediately to isolate any child or other person affected with an illness presumably communicable and immediately to make arrangements for his care in isolation quarters or exclusion from the institution as required by the health officer.
C. Whenever required by Section 2573 of the Health and Safety Code, or laws or statutes which may supersede said section, the health department shall be notified that such child has been isolated or excluded pending presentation of a readmission certificate obtained according to the following regulations: Any child or other person who has been isolated because of illness from, or contact to, a communicable disease, or suspected communicable disease, shall not be readmitted or permitted to mingle with others without presentation of a certificate issued by the local health officer or his agent, or by the attending physician, and countersigned by the health officer, stating that such child or other person is not liable to transmit a communicable disease.
(Prior code § 6.08.440 (Ord. 349 § 30, 1951))
A. Play yards shall provide at least seventy-five square feet of play area for each child in any private day school, day nursery, day nursery school, private boarding school and children's boarding home, and shall be properly drained, of an even surface, and free of all rubbish and refuse.
B. All play equipment shall be maintained in good condition and be securely set up.
(Prior code § 6.08.450 (Ord. 349 § 31, 1951))
All bedpans, urinals and other bedside utensils used for patients and inmates shall be free from cracks or chips. Bedpans used individually shall be properly stored, marked and thoroughly cleaned after each use. Bedpans not individually used shall be sterilized after each use by boiling in water for fifteen or twenty minutes, or autoclaved. All bedpans shall be sterilized once a week by boiling in water for fifteen minutes, or autoclaved.
(Prior code § 6.08.460 (Ord. 349 § 32, 1951))
Where the strict enforcement of the provisions of this chapter will present great practical difficulties or work unnecessary hardships, or will be materially detrimental to the preservation of a property right, the city council, upon application in writing, may grant a variance of the provisions of this chapter for any establishment regulated under this chapter, existing on the effective date of the ordinance codified in this chapter, upon such conditions and for such length of time, not exceeding one year, as may be required, if the city council is satisfied that the granting of such variance will not endanger the public health, safety or welfare.
(Prior code § 6.08.480 (Ord. 349 § 34, 1951))
The penalty for the violation of any provision of this chapter shall be as prescribed in Chapter 1.16.
(Ord. 586 § D (part), 1966: prior code § 6.08.500 (Ord. 349 § 36, 1951))