All garbage and kitchen wastes not disposed of by automatic garbage disposal units must be kept in a tight, insect-proof, metal container, and removed from the premises and disposed of in a sanitary manner at reasonably frequent intervals. All containers shall be maintained in a clean, sanitary condition.
(Prior code § 6.08.280 (Ord. 349 § 14, 1951))
All employees' quarters shall be maintained in a clean, sanitary condition, and every room shall contain no less than five hundred cubic feet of air space for each person, with sufficient window area to afford proper ventilation and light. Employees' quarters shall be supplied with one toilet, one lavatory and one bath or shower for each ten persons, or major fraction thereof, of each sex.
(Prior code § 6.08.290 (Ord. 349 § 15, 1951))
There shall be provided an adequate milk supply of pasteurized market milk only, except that certified milk may be used where not prohibited by state law or state regulation. All milk served must comply with state laws and regulations concerning serving of milk as are now, or may hereafter be, in effect.
(Prior code § 6.08.300 (Ord. 349 § 16, 1951))
The following regulations shall apply to classrooms in establishments regulated under this chapter, and it is unlawful to conduct, operate, or maintain any classroom which does not comply with this section.
A. Floors. All floors in classrooms shall be kept clean.
B. Walls and Ceilings. The walls of every classroom shall be so treated and maintained that the reflection factor is not more than eighty percent nor less than forty percent. The ceilings of every classroom shall be so treated and maintained that the reflection factor is not more than eighty percent nor less than sixty percent.
C. Heating. Classrooms shall be properly heated when in use. The temperature shall be sufficient for the maintenance of health and comfort of the pupils, and shall in no case be below sixty-five degrees above zero Fahrenheit.
D. Size and Ventilation. Every classroom shall have good ventilation, a ceiling height of not less than eight feet, and two hundred fifty cubic feet of air space per pupil.
E. Illumination. Classrooms shall be so illuminated when in use that:
1. There is not less than fifteen foot-candle illumination in every part of the classroom;
2. There is no direct glare;
3. Indirect glare is reduced to a minimum.
F. Window Area. Each classroom constructed, reconstructed, or altered after the effective date of the ordinance codified in this chapter, and every classroom used as such for the first time after the effective date of the ordinance codified in this chapter, shall have a window area of not less than one-fifth of the floor area.
G. Seats and Desks. All seats and desks shall be maintained in good condition. All seats shall have back rests. Seats shall be of such height that any pupil sitting therein in a normal position can comfortably rest his feet upon the floor. Seats shall be so placed that no pupil, when sitting in a normal position in any one of them, shall face a window.
(Prior code § 6.08.320 (Ord. 349 § 18, 1951))
Utility rooms shall be provided for all bed patients in any home for the aged or any mental institution. Such rooms shall be provided with a bedpan hopper or its equivalent. Bath tubs, lavatories, and laundry trays shall not be used for the cleaning of bedpans. Where one or more ambulatory or semiambulatory patient, inmate, or aged boarder is cared for or housed, there shall be provided at least one water closet for each seven, or fractional part thereof, patients or aged boarders of each sex; and one lavatory for each seven, or fractional part thereof; and one bath or shower for each ten, or fractional part thereof, patients or aged boarders of each sex within the building. All water closets and utility rooms shall be adequately lighted and ventilated to outside air; provided, however, that where there are less than seven ambulatory or semiambulatory patients, only one water closet and lavatory need be provided, regardless of sex.
(Prior code § 6.08.330 (Ord. 349 § 19, 1961))
A. On each floor of every private boarding school or children's boarding home building, any part of which floor is used for sleeping purposes for children between six years and eighteen years of age, there shall be provided for each ten children or fractional part thereof, of each sex, conveniently and accessibly located for the use of such children, not less than the following:
1. One water closet;
2. One bathtub or shower;
3. Two lavatories;
4. Where there are twenty or more boys cared for, the health officer may require one or more urinals.
B. For children below six years of age, requirements for sex shall be disregarded.
C. Drinking fountains shall be available on each floor; and where sanitary drinking fountains are not provided, individual disposable drinking cups shall be available.
(Prior code § 6.08.340 (Ord. 349, § 20, 1951))