8.16.110   Permit--Suspension and revocation.
   Nothing in this chapter shall be construed to create any vested right in any person to the assignment, renewal, reissuance or continuance of any permit, and such right shall be and remain at all times vested in the city council, and the city council may, as provided in this chapter, suspend or revoke any permit for fraud or misrepresentation in its procurement, or for a violation of any of the provisions of this chapter, or of any other ordinance of this city or any state or federal statute, or any other act committed or permitted on the premises of the permittee by his, their or its officers, agents, or employees or guests or patrons tending to render such premises a common nuisance or a menace to the health, peace, morals or general welfare of the public, or whenever in the judgment of the city council the public interest demands such revocation of suspension.
(Prior code § 6.08.490 (Ord. 349 § 35, 1951))
8.16.120   General sanitary regulations.
   The following general regulations shall apply to the establishments regulated by this chapter, and it is unlawful to conduct, operate, or maintain any establishment which does not comply with this section:
   A.   Sanitation of Rooms. All walls, floors, ceilings, woodwork, curtains, and furnishings shall be maintained in a good, clean, sanitary condition free from the accumulation of dirt and filth, and every room shall be provided with adequate ventilation, lighting, and heat.
   B.   Protection from Heaters. A barrier or other protection shall be placed around each space heater, heating stove, and fireplace. All gas-fired heaters must be connected to a supply line with a continuous rigid metal pipe. All gas, oil, or open-flame heaters or appliances shall be constructed so as to vent all fumes to the outside of the building in which they are located.
   C.   Screens. All windows and doors shall be screened and maintained in good condition so as to exclude flies and other insects.
   D.   Linen and Bedding. There shall be maintained an adequate amount of bedding, linen, and hand and bath towels in good, clean condition, and each bed shall be supplied with good springs and a clean, comfortable mattress. All beds and mattresses shall be kept in a sanitary condition and shall be thoroughly cleaned before being used by another person.
   E.   Kitchen and Food. Every kitchen shall be conducted with strict regard to cleanliness affecting the purity and wholesomeness of the food therein prepared, served, kept, handled or stored, and the floor, sidewalls, ceilings, trim, fixtures, receptacles, utensils, sinks, drainboards, implements, dishes, storerooms, and machinery in every kitchen or place where food is prepared, served, kept, handled or stored shall be maintained in good repair and in a sanitary condition. The floors, walls, and ceilings of every kitchen shall be as required by the city building code for new structures for that type of occupancy.
   F.   Refrigerators. All refrigerators and ice chests shall be kept in a clean and sanitary condition and in good repair at all times. Refrigeration for all perishable food shall be constantly maintained at fifty degrees Fahrenheit or lower, and refrigeration shall be of a capacity sufficient to eliminate congestion of food stored. Each refrigerator shall be supplied with a reliable thermometer.
   G.   Sinks and Rinse Water. Kitchens shall be provided with not less than one two-compartment sink, one compartment to contain wash water and the other compartment to contain rinse water. The rinse water compartment shall be supplied with a gas burner or other device thereunder so that the rinse water will be maintained at a temperature of not less than one hundred seventy degrees Fahrenheit while in use, so as to properly sanitize dishes and utensils used for the preparation or serving of food. An adequate amount of soap or other detergent shall be used in the wash water to thoroughly clean all utensils.
   In lieu of a two-compartment sink, a mechanical dishwasher or its equivalent may be installed, but shall be connected to a hot water supply that will maintain to the fixture a temperature of not less than one hundred seventy degrees Fahrenheit for the rinse water.
   The provisions of this section relative to two-compartment sinks or mechanical dishwashers shall not apply to any home for the aged, mental institution, private boarding school or children's boarding home regulated by this chapter with seven or less children or mentally ill or aged persons where disposable service is used. The provisions of this section relative to two-compartment sinks or mechanical dishwashers shall not apply to any private day school or day nursery where one meal is served, where thirty or less children are enrolled, and where disposable service is used.
   H.   Toilets -- Sanitation and Lighting. All toilet rooms, lavatories, baths, and showers shall be maintained free from all accumulation of dirt, filth or corrosion. All water closet rooms shall be adequately lighted and ventilated to outside air.
(Prior code §§ 6.08.160 -- 6.08.240 (Ord. 349 § 10, 1951))
8.16.130   Toilets for kitchen workers.
   Every kitchen shall have a convenient toilet and lavatory in connection therewith, but separate and apart therefrom, which shall be maintained in a clean and sanitary condition. All operators, employees, and all persons who handle food, before beginning work shall put on clean garments, and immediately after visiting a toilet shall wash their hands and arms thoroughly with soap and water.
(Prior code § 6.08.260 (Ord. 349 § 12, 1951))