8.16.010 Definitions.
8.16.020 License--Required.
8.16.030 Inspection--Authority.
8.16.040 Inspection--Opening required.
8.16.050 Permit--Required.
8.16.060 Permit--Application contents.
8.16.070 Permit--Investigation fee.
8.16.080 Permit--Application investigation.
8.16.090 Permit--Granting.
8.16.100 Permit--Term--Renewal.
8.16.110 Permit--Suspension and revocation.
8.16.120 General sanitary regulations.
8.16.130 Toilets for kitchen workers.
8.16.140 Diseased kitchen workers prohibited.
8.16.150 Drugs and poisons prohibited in kitchens.
8.16.160 Garbage disposal.
8.16.170 Employees' quarters.
8.16.180 Milk supply.
8.16.190 Emergency lighting.
8.16.200 Classrooms.
8.16.210 Toilet facilities--Homes for the aged and mental institutions.
8.16.220 Toilet facilities--Private boarding schools and children's boarding homes.
8.16.230 Toilet facilities--Private boarding schools and private day schools.
8.16.240 Toilet facilities--Day nurseries and day nursery schools.
8.16.250 Sleeping quarters--Homes for aged and mental institutions.
8.16.260 Sleeping quarters--Private boarding schools and children's boarding homes.
8.16.270 Sleeping quarters--Private day schools, day nurseries, day nursery schools, and children's boarding homes.
8.16.280 Isolation rooms.
8.16.290 Registries.
8.16.300 Prevention of communicable diseases.
8.16.310 Physician's statement required following certain illnesses.
8.16.320 Daily health inspections.
8.16.330 Play yards and play equipment.
8.16.340 Patients' utensils--Homes for the aged and mental institutions.
8.16.350 Variances.
8.16.360 Penalty for violations.
For the purposes of this chapter, certain words and phrases are defined, and certain provisions shall be construed, as set forth in this section unless it is apparent from the context that a different meaning is intended:
A. "Children's boarding home" means any institution or establishment providing room and board for the reception and care of one or more children below the age of eighteen years, regardless of sex, unrelated to the caretaker, in the absence of parents or guardian, with or without compensation.
B. "Day nursery" or "day nursery school" means any establishment providing day care for children between the ages of two years and four years six months, inclusive, but shall not include any day nursery or day nursery school maintained by any public school or the federal government. If day care is also provided for children over four years six months of age, as to all children under four years six months of age, the establishment shall be considered as a day nursery or a day nursery school.
C. "Home for the aged" means any institution, boarding home, or other place for the reception or care of one or more aged persons sixty-five years of age or over, except any hospital as defined in the Health and Safety Code of the State of California.
D. "Mental institution" means any hospital, sanitarium, home, or other place receiving or caring for any insane, allegedly insane, mentally ill, mentally retarded or mentally incompetent person, but shall not include any institution or establishment maintained by any public agency.
E. "Private boarding school" means any institution or establishment providing room and board and giving a course of training similar to that given in any grade of public school from kindergarten to the twelfth grade, inclusive, but shall not include any establishment maintained by a public school.
F. "Private day school" shall mean any establishment providing a course of training similar to that given in any grade of public school from kindergarten to the twelfth grade, inclusive, but shall not include any establishment maintained by any public school.
(Prior code §§ 6.08.010--6.08.070 (Ord. 349 § 1, 1951))
No person shall operate, maintain, or conduct a home for the aged, mental institution, private day school, day nursery, day nursery school, private boarding school or children's boarding home in the city without first having a license so to do and paying the fee therefor as provided by the ordinances of the city.
(Prior code § 6.08.470 (Ord. 349 § 33, 1951))
It shall be the duty of the health officer, or his duly authorized representative, to investigate all homes for the aged, mental institutions, private day schools, day nurseries, day nursery schools, private boarding schools and children's boarding homes in the city and to ascertain whether such institutions are being conducted so as to comply with all the laws relating to sanitation and public health, and to recommend suspension or revocation of permits as provided in this chapter, or criminal prosecution for the violation thereof.
(Prior code § 6.08.080 (Ord. 349 § 2, 1951))