A. On each floor of every private boarding school or children's boarding home building, any part of which floor is used for sleeping purposes for children between six years and eighteen years of age, there shall be provided for each ten children or fractional part thereof, of each sex, conveniently and accessibly located for the use of such children, not less than the following:
1. One water closet;
2. One bathtub or shower;
3. Two lavatories;
4. Where there are twenty or more boys cared for, the health officer may require one or more urinals.
B. For children below six years of age, requirements for sex shall be disregarded.
C. Drinking fountains shall be available on each floor; and where sanitary drinking fountains are not provided, individual disposable drinking cups shall be available.
(Prior code § 6.08.340 (Ord. 349, § 20, 1951))
A. In each building of a private boarding school or private day school containing one or more classrooms on each floor, the toilet facilities shall be as provided on the basis of the following ratio of toilets, urinals, and lavatories to the number of pupils.
1. One water closet for one to fifteen girls;
2. Two water closets for sixteen to thirty girls;
3. For each twenty girls, or fractional part over thirty, one additional water closet;
4. One water closet for one to fifteen boys;
5. One water closet and one urinal for sixteen to thirty boys;
6. For each forty boys, or fractional part over thirty, one additional water closet and one additional urinal;
7. One lavatory for each two, or fractional part thereof, of such water closets and urinals.
B. Where the boy or girl attendance is over one hundred, and different groups are given recess at different times, the health officer may permit fewer toilet facilities for those boys or girls over one hundred in number.
C. One approved drinking fountain for every fifty pupils, or fractional part thereof, but not less than one on each floor.
D. Water faucets spaced at least fourteen inches apart over continuous wash sinks may be counted as lavatories.
E. When approved by the health officer, toilet facilities located within one hundred feet of classrooms, which are provided for resident children, may be used for computing the number of such facilities for resident pupils.
(Prior code § 6.08.350 (Ord. 349 § 21, 1951))
On each floor of every day nursery or day nursery school building, any part of which is used for the care of children between the ages of two years and four years six months, there shall be provided one toilet facility for each ten children or fractional part thereof, and one lavatory for each ten children or fractional part thereof. Toilets and lavatories shall be of suitable height and size to be reached easily by the children. Adjustable steps for young children shall be available.
(Prior code § 6.08.360 (Ord. 349 § 22, 1951))
No person shall be kept, cared for, or maintained as a patient or aged boarder in any sleeping room which is occupied by one person, in any home for the aged or any mental institution, which provides less than eighty square feet of superficial floor area for each such person. Where a ward or semiprivate room is occupied by more than one person, there shall be provided not less than sixty square feet of superficial floor area for each such person. Beds shall be maintained at least three feet apart. Sleeping rooms or wards shall have a ceiling of not less than eight feet, and shall be well-lighted and ventilated to the outside air. Windows shall be one-half openable. The window area in any mental institution or home for the aged shall be not less than one-eighth of the superficial floor area.
(Prior code § 6.08.370 (Ord. 349 § 23, 1951))
No person shall cause, permit, or suffer any child to sleep in any sleeping room, occupied by one child, providing overnight care in any building of a private boarding school or children's boarding home which provides less than eighty square feet of superficial floor area for each such child. Where a dormitory or semiprivate room is occupied by more than one child, there shall be provided no less than sixty square feet of superficial floor area for each such child. Beds shall be maintained at least three feet apart. Dormitories and semiprivate rooms shall have a ceiling height of not less than eight feet, and shall be well-lighted and ventilated to the outside air. Windows shall be one-half openable. The window area in any private boarding school or children's boarding home shall be not less than one-eighth of the superficial floor area.
(Prior code § 6.08.380 (Ord. 349 § 24, 1951))
Any room or rooms in any building or a private day school, day nursery, day nursery school, or children's boarding home used for daytime rest periods shall provide not less than thirty-five square feet of superficial floor area for each child. Beds or cots shall be kept at least three feet apart. Such rooms or dormitories shall have a ceiling height of not less than eight feet, shall be well-lighted and ventilated to the outside air. Windows shall be one-eighth of the superficial floor area and be one-half openable.
(Prior code § 6.08.390 (Ord. 349 § 25, 1951))