8.16.070   Permit--Investigation fee.
   Every application for a permit, as required by Section 8.16.050, or for any renewal thereof, shall be accompanied by the following application fee, which shall not be returnable to the applicant:
   A.   Where there are accommodations for from one to ten children or aged or mentally ill persons, ten dollars;
   B.   Where there are accommodations for from eleven to twenty-five children or aged or mentally ill persons, twenty dollars;
   C.   Where there are accommodations for from twenty-six to fifty children, aged or mentally ill persons, forty dollars;
   D.   Where there are accommodations for from fifty-one to one hundred children or aged or mentally ill persons, seventy-five dollars;
   E.   Where there are accommodations for more than one hundred children or aged or mentally ill persons, one hundred dollars.
(Prior code § 6.08.120 (Ord. 349 § 6, 1951))