442.01 Riding on outside of vehicles.
442.02 Attaching sleds, skateboards, roller skates or wagons to vehicles.
442.03 Brakes.
442.04 Lights generally.
442.05 Red flag or light for projecting loads.
442.06 Horn or other signal device.
442.07 Muffler; muffler cutout; excessive smoke, gas or noise.
442.08 Rear-view mirror.
442.09 Signs, posters, etc., on windows.
442.10 Windshield wipers.
442.99 Penalty.
Equipment of vehicles - see R.S.N. §§ 39-6,123 et seq.
Motor Vehicle Safety Responsibility Act - see R.S.N. §§ 60-501 et seq.
Inspections - see R.S.N. §§ 60-1701 et seq.
Rear lights for trailers - see TRAF. 446.04
Television sets in motor vehicles - see B. & H. 1490.03
N.F.P.A. 101 Life Safety Code - see F.P. Ch. 1620
No person shall permit any person to ride on the runningboard, hood, top or fender of any motor vehicle operated on any street or alley of the City, nor shall any person ride on the runningboard, hood, top or fender of any motor vehicle so operated. This section shall not apply to members of the Fire Division who ride on the runningboard of any vehicle belonging to the Fire Division that is being operated on official business.
(1958 Code § 16.20)
(a) No person operating or having control of any sled, wagon, skateboard, roller skates or other such device shall take hold of, hold onto, or attach by some method of connection to, any vehicle and maintain said grasp or connection for any period of time while such vehicle is in motion.
(b) No person operating or having control of a vehicle shall allow another person operating or having control of any sled, wagon, skateboard, roller skates or other such device, to hold, hold onto, or attach by some method of connection to, such person's vehicle for any period of time while such vehicle is in motion.
(Ord. 1207. Passed 9-24-91.)
Every motor vehicle, while in use on the streets of the City, shall be equipped with effective brakes adequate to control the movement of and to stop and to hold such vehicle, including two separate means of applying the brakes, provided that motorcycles need be equipped with only one brake. All vehicle brakes shall be maintained in good working order.
(1958 Code § 16.101)
From one-half hour after sunset until one-half hour before sunrise each vehicle operated in the City shall have burning two or more whitish lights on the front thereof, one on each side, which lights and all other lighting devices, including a tail light, used on such vehicle, shall be in compliance with the laws of the State. No person shall operate on the streets of the City any motor or other vehicle which is equipped with an electric light that gives off light which confuses travelers or pedestrians on streets or crosswalks. Every motor vehicle having a width of eighty inches or more shall display clearance lights as required by the laws of the State.
(1958 Code § 16.102)
When any vehicle is loaded in such a manner that any portion of the load extends more than four feet beyond the rear of the bed or of the body of such vehicle, a red flag shall be carried by day and a red light after sunset, securely fastened in a conspicuous position at the extreme rear end of such load.
(1958 Code § 16.105)