Acceptance and Dedication of Subdivisions Generally
911.001   Definitions.
911.002   Procedure and filing of a lot split and/or consolidation; fee.
911.01    Regulations; compliance.
911.02    Filing of sketch.
911.021   Topographical map and master drainage plan.
911.03    Record map.
911.04    Clauses required on record map (plat); final approval or disapproval of record map.
911.05    Map in lieu of sketch.
911.06    Conditions precedent to final approval of record map; issuance of building permits.
911.061   Time limitations.
911.062   Improvements not to be commenced prior to final approval.
911.07    Public hearing; recordation.
911.08    Plat approval required before recording.
911.09    Plat approval required before land transfer.
911.10    Permit requirements.
911.11    Changes in plat.
Plats and platting - see Ohio R. C. Ch. 711
Easements - see Preliminary Unit, Table B
Dedication of property - see Preliminary Unit, Table D
Building permits - see BLDG. Ch. 1125