554.01 Definitions.
554.02 Requirements and standards.
554.03 Records and reports; inspection.
554.04 Facilities, equipment and supplies generally.
554.05 Transportation facilities.
554.06 Elevators.
554.07 Admission and examination facilities.
554.08 Laboratory facilities.
554.09 Operating facilities.
554.10 Recovery room or rooms.
554.11 Staff; physician in charge; duties.
554.12 Staff; nursing supervision of patients.
554.13 Admission and examination procedures.
554.14 Operative and post-operative requirements.
554.15 Abortion of viable fetus.
554.16 Liability insurance.
554.17 License.
554.99 Penalty.
Abortion without informed consent prohibited - see Ohio R. C. 2919.12
Abortion manslaughter - see Ohio R. C. 2919.13
Abortion trafficking - see Ohio R. C. 2919.14
Building permit fee - see BLDG. 1125.07(m)(3)
As used in this chapter:
(a) "Abortion" means the purposeful termination of a human pregnancy by any person, including the pregnant woman, with an intention other than to produce a live birth or to remove a dead fetus or embryo.
(b) "Abortion service" means a place or facility in which abortions are performed, other than a maternity unit licensed or regulated by the Ohio Department of Health.
(c) "Total transport time" means the total elapsed time between the diagnosis at an abortion service, of a complication requiring emergency care and the delivery of the patient and the transfer of responsibility for the patient's care to appropriate medical personnel at a hospital.
(d) " Qualified obstetrician" means:
(1) A licensed physician who is a diplomate of the American Board of Obstetrics and Gynecology, or who submits evidence to the Department that his training and experience qualify him for admission to the examination by such Board; or
(2) A licensed physician who has the rank of associates attending obstetrician or higher at a voluntary or municipal hospital approved for residency training in obstetrics by the Council on Medical Education and Hospitals of the American Medical Association; or
(3) A licensed physician who has the rank of assistant professor of obstetrics or gynecology or higher in a medical school approved by the Ohio Board of Regents and the State Medical Board of Ohio; or
(4) A Doctor of Osteopathy who holds a license to practice medicine in the State of Ohio and who is certified by the American College of Osteopathic Obstetricians and Gynecologists, or who submits evidence to the Department that his training and experience qualify him for admission to the examination by such Board, or who submits evidence of completion of a residency in obstetrics and gynecology.
(e) "Registered Professional Nurse" means a person who is registered as a registered professional nurse by the State of Ohio pursuant to Chapter 4723 of the Ohio Revised Code.
(f) "Direct supervision" means the supervisor is physically present within the building housing the abortion service.
(Ord. 3-1978. Passed 2-27-78.)