EDITOR'S NOTE: Pursuant to Ordinance 79-1993, passed by Council on September 13, 1993, the City enacted this chapter restricting picketing within the City. The ordinance has been challenged and the City is currently appealing its constitutionality. Please consult the Law Director for its current status.
511.01 Definitions.
511.02 Unlawful picketing prohibited.
511.99 Penalty.
As used in this section, certain words and terms are defined as follows:
(a) "Picketing" includes, but is not limited to, marching, standing, walking, parading or otherwise demonstrating.
(b) "Unlawful picketing" includes, but is not limited to, picketing as defined in Section 511.01(a) that:
(1) Is directed at or conducted primarily before, or about, or in the immediate vicinity of the land upon which the dwelling of any individual is situated; or
(2) Involves blocking or interfering with ingress or egress to any walkway, driveway or roadway leading to or from the dwelling of any individual; or
(3) Involves blocking or interfering with the flow of pedestrian or vehicular traffic, or involves the display of signs of a size or at a location otherwise prohibited by ordinance; or
(5) Involves the violation of any other provision of Chapter 509 of the Codified Ordinances including, but not limited to, prohibitions against disturbing the peace and/or disorderly conduct.
(Ord. 79-1993. Passed 9-13-93.)