2-1-1 Generally
2-1-2 Abandon
2-1-2.1 At large
2-1-3 Animal
2-1-4 Animal control officer
2-1-5 Cat
2-1-6 Cruel mistreatment
2-1-7 Cruel neglect
2-1-8 Dog
2-1-9 Domestic animal
2-1-10 Impounding agency
2-1-11 Kennel, boarding kennel, and pet shop
2-1-11.1 Mini-pig
2-1-12 Own (an animal)
2-1-13 Owner (of an animal)
2-1-13.1 Stray
2-1-14 Vaccination against rabies
2-1-15 Valid certificate of rabies vaccination
2-1-16 Valid rabies vaccination tag
2-1-17 Veterinarian
2-1-18 Wild animal or birds