VALID CERTIFICATE OF RABIES VACCINATION. A certificate issued by a veterinarian who has vaccinated a dog against rabies, showing:
(1) The owner’s name and address;
(2) An adequate description of the dog, including but not limited to, such items as the dog’s breed, sex, age, name, and distinctive markings;
(3) The date of vaccination;
(4) The rabies vaccination tag number;
(5) The type of rabies vaccine administered; and
(6) The manufacturer’s serial number of the vaccine used. Provided, a certificate of vaccination shall be valid:
(a) For purpose of application for a dog license, only if the vaccination shown in the certificate was with a vaccine that will be effective during the whole term of the license; or
(b) For purposes of avoiding impoundment of a dog, only if the vaccination shown in the certificate was with a vaccine that still is effective at the time when the dog is inspected by an officer of the city having authority to enforce this article.