Licensing of Residential Rental Dwellings
98.01 Purpose
98.02 Definitions
98.03 Operating license required
98.04 Operating license application
98.05 Condominium association information
98.06 Operating license fees
98.07 Inspections and right of entry
98.08 Operating license location
98.09 Operating license terminates upon sale
98.10 Inspection upon sale
98.11 Notice of change
98.12 Records required
98.13 Additional requirements; occupancy
98.14 (Reserved)
98.15 Violations; suspensions and revocation of operating license
98.16 Repairs and other corrective action
98.17 Demolition of multiple family buildings, single-family rental dwellings, or dwelling units designated as unfit for human habitation
98.18 Minimum standards for basic equipment and facilities
98.19 Minimum standards for light, ventilation, and insect control
98.20 Minimum standards for heat
98.21 Electrical outlets and lights
98.22 General requirements relative to safe and sanitary maintenance
98.23 Minimum space, use, and location requirements
98.24 Responsibilities of owners and occupants
98.25 Rooming houses prohibited
98.26 Access to rooming units
98.27 Dwellings unfit for human habitation
98.28 Conflict of ordinances; effect of partial invalidity
98.29 Owner liability for acts and omissions
98.30 Non-renewal of operating license
98.31 Enforcement costs
Crime Free Housing Program
98.40 Crime Free Housing Program
98.41 (Reserved)
98.42 (Reserved)
98.43 (Reserved)
98.44 (Reserved)
98.45 (Reserved)
98.46 (Reserved)
98.99 Penalty