Crime Free Housing Program Seminar. Any owner of property, which property is being rented out for residential purposes shall attend and complete a Village of Schiller Park Crime Free Housing Program Seminar ("Seminar"). The owner, agent, or designee of a new rental unit shall attend the Seminar prior to obtaining or being issued a new Village Rental Dwelling License. Any owner of property, which property is being rented out for residential purposes that does not complete the Seminar will be fined, daily, until compliance is met in accordance with this Chapter. The following are terms, conditions and requirements by and for any owner of rental property:
   (A)   A property manager shall be considered an agent of the owner. If a new property manager is hired, the new property manager shall have three (3) months after hiring to attend the Village of Schiller Park's Crime Free Housing Program Seminar.
   (B)   In addition to attending the Village Crime Free Housing Seminar, all owners, agents or designees shall attend a refresher seminar once every three (3) years to be compliant with this Ordinance prior to the expiration of a license for that particular year or be fined daily thereafter in accordance with this Chapter.
   (C)   The Crime Free Housing Coordinator, as designated by the Chief of Police, shall provide the Finance Director and Community Development Department with a list of owners, agents and/or designees who have attended the Seminar, with the date of attendance and verification that the owner, agent or designee has complied with the Ordinance and is eligible to obtain, maintain or renew the rental dwelling license.
   (D)   Any owner, agent or designee of residential rental property is required to utilize a crime free lease addendum or have a clause in the lease similar to a crime free lease addendum for any leases executed. At the Seminar, the Crime Free Housing Coordinator shall provide, at no cost, samples of the crime free lease addendum and shall review any clauses within actual leases with the Village's Legal Department to determine if the clause is similar to the crime free lease addendum. The clause is to make criminal activity (not limited to violent criminal activity or drug related criminal activity engaged by, facilitated by or permitted by the renter, member of the household, guest or other party under the control of the renter) a lease violation. The landlord shall have authority under that clause to initiate an eviction proceeding as specified in the Illinois Compiled Statutes Forcible Entry and Detainer statutes. Proof of criminal violation shall be by a preponderance of the evidence. An arrest, considered alone, is not enough evidence to begin the eviction process of a tenant.
   (E)   Nuisance Residential Rental Property. It is hereby declared a nuisance and to be declared against the health, peace and comfort of the Village for any property owner, agent, or manager to allow or permit the following:
      (1)   Rental of a residential unit or residential building within an apartment community or governed by a homeowner's association to a tenant who allows any of the following offenses to occur relating to the tenant, member of the tenant's household, guest, or other party under control of the tenant, to occur: murder, kidnapping, aggravated kidnapping, prostitution, solicitation of prostitution, pandering, obscenity, child pornography, harmful materials, sale of obscene publication, criminal housing management, possession of explosives, unlawful use of weapons, sale of firearms, gambling, keeping a gambling place, concealing a fugitive, violation of the Illinois Controlled Substances Act, violation of the Cannabis Control Act or commission of any two or more of any other crimes under the State of Illinois Statutes or under the Federal Government not specifically listed above; and
      (2)   Rental of a residential unit, or residential building within an apartment community or governed by a homeowner's association to a tenant who allows any of the following offenses to occur relating to the tenant, member of the tenant's household, guest or other party under control of the tenant to occur: commission of four (4) or more Village ordinance violations in a six (6) month period that are not considered parking or compliance tickets by the Village of Schiller Park Police Department.
   (F)   The Village may seek to enforce this Ordinance by seeking any and all remedies under this Chapter, including the imposition of fines. In addition, the Crime Free Housing Coordinator may suspend and/or recommend revocation of any license issued hereunder if it appears to his satisfaction from the report of any Village officer or Village employee making an inspection, or any other available information that the licensee is violating this law or ordinance or any law or ordinance, or is in violation of the nuisance section or is operating in a manner not conducive to the public health, morals or safety. Any suspension of a license pursuant to this Section may be appealed directly to the Mayor and Village Board of Trustees within 15 days of rendering his decision by the Crime Free Housing Coordinator. In the event the Crime Free Housing Coordinator determines that revocation of the license is appropriate, he shall so forward his recommendation to the Mayor and Village Board of Trustees for their review and determination.
   (G)   Every owner, agent or designee shall require the tenant to supply them with a list of people who will live in the rental dwelling; said list will be turned over to the Crime Free Housing Coordinator and Community Development Department.
   (H)   Every owner, agent or designee shall submit a Crime Free Housing Rental Requirements Agreement for Owners/Agents of Rental Housing, which may be amended from time to time as is appropriate.
(Ord. 15-3021, passed 11-19-15; Am. Ord. 16-3035, passed 1-7-16; Am. Ord. 16-3084, passed 12- 15-16; Am. Ord. 18-4110, passed 12-20-18)