General Provisions
52.01 Definitions
52.02 Service connections
52.03 Turning on water service
52.04 Water meters
52.05 Access to meters
52.06 Reimbursement for damage to meters
52.07 Meter failure
52.08 Inaccurate meters
52.09 Accuracy required
52.10 Bill adjustment for inaccurate meters
52.11 Additional regulations
52.12 Injury to facilities
52.13 Cross connections
Private Water Connections and Water Meters
52.30 Purpose
52.31 Definitions
52.32 Responsibility for installation, maintenance and repair
52.33 Entry upon private premises
52.34 Liens
52.35 Meter installation and maintenance
52.36 Policy and procedures
52.37 Violation as a nuisance per se
Restrictions on the Use of the Public Water System
52.50 Water scarcity generally
52.51 Resolution to prohibit or restrict the use of the public water system for outdoor watering
52.52 Revocation of ban
52.53 Warning notice
Water Service Rates and Connections
52.70 Definitions
52.71 Operation, maintenance, repair and management of the system
52.72 Water service user charge system
52.73 Water connection equivalent user factors
52.74 Certified meter agreement for water connections
52.75 Payment of connection charges
52.76 Connection fee account
52.77 Charges constitute lien
52.78 Renewal of existing water services
52.79 Shutoff and discontinuation of service
52.80 Disconnection for late payment; procedures
52.99 Penalty
Fire hydrants, see § 92.23
Flood damage prevention, see Chapter 151
Sewer regulations, see Chapter 51