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   (A)   All commercial and industrial users shall have the option to prove their residential equivalency and connection charge to the system by readings taken from a certified water meter.
   (B)   The agreement shall read as follows:
I/we hereby agree that I/we choose to prove my/our residential equivalency and connection charge to the city water system by readings taken from a certified water meter.
I/we understand that I/we will purchase the necessary water meter from the Kalamazoo Lake, Sewer and Water Authority and I/we will pay for the installation costs of the meter if there are installation costs resulting from any necessary re-plumbing.
I/we understand that after the certified water meter is installed, the water flow to the property shall be accurately recorded for a period of two years. At the end of the two-year period, the property owner’s residential equivalency will be determined by dividing the average annual water purchased by 58,765 gallons. The resulting number will be the residential equivalency.
   (C)   Until the 2-year proving period has expired, the residential equivalency as determined by the Authority Manager will be correct until proven different. After the 2-year period the connection charge will be readjusted accordingly.
   (D)   After the 2-year period, the water meter shall become the property of the Kalamazoo Lake, Sewer and Water Authority.