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General Description of Zoning Procedures.
Planning Code Amendments.
Conditional Uses.
Formula Retail Uses.
Planned Unit Developments.
Institutional Master Plans.
Review Procedures for Large Noncontiguous Post-Secondary Educational Institutions.
Additional Provisions Applicable to Large Noncontiguous Post-Secondary Educational Institutions.
Requests for Reasonable Modification – Residential Uses.
Applications and Hearings.
Applications and Filing Fees.
Scheduling of Hearings.
Notice of Hearings.
Conduct of Hearings.
Initiation of Amendments.
Interim Zoning Controls.
Posting of Signs Required.
Notice of Applications for Building Permits for Sutro Tower.
Other Powers and Duties of the Zoning Administrator.
Appeals: Amendments to the Planning Code and Conditional Uses.
Appeals: Variances and Administrative Actions.
Permit Review in C-3 Districts.
Permit Review in Downtown Residential Districts.
Permit Review in the Executive Park Special Use District.
Zoning Procedures Not to Apply to Article 10.
Permit Review Procedures.
PDR-1-B (Light Industrial Buffer), Pre-Application Meeting.
Review of Residential, Hotel, and Motel Projects.
Streamlined Authorization of 100% Affordable Housing and Educator Housing Projects.
100 Percent Affordable Housing Bonus Project Authorization.
Loss of Residential and Unauthorized Units Through Demolition, Merger and Conversion.
Efficiency Dwelling Units with Reduced Square Footage.
Office Development: Definitions.
Office Development: Annual Limit.
Annual Limit Adjustment.
Legislative Reduction of Annual Limit.
Voter Approval of Exemptions of Office Projects Authorized by Development Agreements.
Procedure for Administration of Office Development Limit.
Office Development: Preapplication Procedure.
Development in Hunters Point Shipyard Phase 2 and Candlestick Point.
Sunset Clause.
Lien Proceedings.
HOME-SF Project Authorization.
Large Project Authorization in Eastern Neighborhoods Mixed Use Districts.
Purpose and Coastal Zone Permit Area.
Projects Requiring Coastal Zone Permit Review.
Projects Exempt From Coastal Zone Permit Review.
Projects Subject to Coastal Zone Permit Review.
Projects Requiring a Coastal Zone Permit From the California Coastal Commission.
Application For a Coastal Zone Permit.
Permit Application Review for Consistency With the Local Coastal Program.
Determination of Permit Jurisdiction.
Planning Commission Review of Coastal Zone Permits.
Coastal Commission Notification.
Public Notice.
Emergency Coastal Zone Authorization.
Appeal Procedures.
Appealable Projects.
Who May Appeal a Coastal Zone Permit to the California Coastal Commission.
Permit Approval by Operation of Law.
Effective Date of Approved Projects.
Expiration Date and Extensions.
Coastal Zone Permit Fees.
Procedural Permit Review Changes.
Public Notification Procedures.
General Plan Amendments.
Better Neighborhoods Area Plan Monitoring Program.
Annual Reporting.
Time Series Report.
Information to be Furnished.
Market and Octavia Community Advisory Committee.
Health Care Services Master Plan Findings.
Health Care Services Master Plan: Components.
Health Care Services Master Plan Process.
Consistency Determination Fee.
Consistency Determination.
Authority to Adopt Rules and Regulations.
City Undertaking Limited to Promotion of General Welfare.
Central SoMa Housing Sustainability District.