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   The Planning Department shall notify the California Coastal Commission of each Coastal Zone Permit Application received as follows:
   (a)   A written notice to the California Coastal Commission shall be mailed within 10 calendar days of filing of a Coastal Zone Permit Application with the Planning Department. This notice shall include the application number, address or location, the nature of the project, determination of whether the project is exempt, or appealable to the California Coastal Commission, and schedule for permit review.
   (b)   A written notice to the California Coastal Commission shall be mailed within seven calendar days after a final decision has been made by the Zoning Administrator or Planning Commission. Notice of approval shall include the findings, the action taken by the Zoning Administrator or Planning Commission, Conditions of Approval if any, and procedures for appeal.
   (c)   The Planning Department shall notify in writing the California Coastal Commission of any appeal of a Coastal Zone Permit Application to the Board of Appeals. This notification shall take place within 10 calendar days of filing the appeal. A notice of final action on the appeal shall be mailed by the Planning Department to the California Coastal Commission within seven calendar days of such action.
   (d)   A local decision on a Coastal Zone Permit shall not be deemed complete until:
      (1)   The local decision on the application has been made and all required findings have been adopted, including specific factual findings supporting the legal conclusions that the proposed development is or is not consistent with the Local Coastal Program; and
      (2)   When all local rights of appeal have been exhausted.
(Ord. 509-85, App. 11/22/85; amended by Ord. 188-15 , File No. 150871, App. 11/4/2015, Eff. 12/4/2015)
Nonsubstantive changes; Ord. 188-15 , Eff. 12/4/2015.