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(a) General. The Planning Commission shall hear and make determinations regarding applications for the authorization of Conditional Uses in the specific situations in which such authorization is provided for elsewhere in this Code. The procedures for Conditional Uses shall be as specified in this Section 303 and in Sections 306 through 306.6, except that Planned Unit Developments shall in addition be subject to Section 304, Hospitals and Post-Secondary Educational Institutions shall in addition be subject to the Institutional Master Plan requirements of Section 304.5.
(b) Initiation. A Conditional Use action may be initiated by application of the owner, or authorized agent for the owner, of the property for which the Conditional Use is sought. For a Conditional Use application to relocate a General Advertising Sign under subsection (I) below, application shall be made by a General Advertising Sign company that has filed a Relocation Agreement application and all required information with the Planning Department pursuant to Section of the San Francisco Administrative Code.
(c) Determination. After its hearing on the application, or upon the recommendation of the Director of Planning that no hearing is required, the Planning Commission shall approve the appli- cation and authorize a Conditional Use if the facts presented are such to establish that:
(1) The proposed use or feature, at the size and intensity contemplated and at the proposed location, will provide a development that is necessary or desirable for, and compatible with, the neighborhood or the community. If the proposed use exceeds the Non-Residential Use Size limitations for the district in which the use is located, the following shall be considered:
(A) The intensity of activity in the district is not such that allowing the larger use will be likely to foreclose the location of other needed neighborhood-servicing uses in the area; and
(B) The proposed use will serve the neighborhood, in whole or in significant part, and the nature of the use requires a larger size in order to function; and
(C) The building in which the use is to be located is designed in discrete elements which respect the scale of development in the district; and
(2) Such use or feature as proposed will not be detrimental to the health, safety, convenience or general welfare of persons residing or working in the vicinity, or injurious to property, improvements or potential development in the vicinity, with respect to aspects including but not limited to the following:
(A) The nature of the proposed site, including its size and shape, and the proposed size, shape and arrangement of structures;
(B) The accessibility and traffic patterns for persons and vehicles, the type and volume of such traffic, and the adequacy of proposed off-street parking and loading and of proposed alternatives to off-street parking, including provisions of car-share parking spaces, as defined in Section 166 of this Code.
(C) The safeguards afforded to prevent noxious or offensive emissions such as noise, glare, dust and odor;
(D) Treatment given, as appropriate, to such aspects as landscaping, screening, open spaces, parking and loading areas, service areas, lighting and signs; and
(3) Such use or feature as proposed will comply with the applicable provisions of this Code and will not adversely affect the General Plan; and
(4) Such use or feature as proposed will provide development that is in conformity with the stated purpose of the applicable Use District; and
(5) The use or feature satisfies any criteria specific to the use or feature in Subsections (g), et seq. of this Section.
(d) Conditions. When considering an application for a Conditional Use as provided herein with respect to applications for development of "dwellings" as defined in of the Administrative Code, the Commission shall comply with that Chapter which requires, among other things, that the Commission not base any decision regarding the development of “dwellings” in which “protected class” members are likely to reside on information which may be discriminatory to any member of a “protected class” (as all such terms are defined in of the Administrative Code). In addition, when authorizing a Conditional Use as provided herein, the Planning Commission, or the Board of Supervisors on appeal, shall prescribe such additional conditions, beyond those specified in this Code, as are in its opinion necessary to secure the objectives of the Code. Once any portion of the Conditional Use authorization is utilized, all such conditions pertaining to such authorization shall become immediately operative. The violation of any condition so imposed shall constitute a violation of this Code and may constitute grounds for revocation of the Conditional Use authorization. Such conditions may include time limits for exercise of the Conditional Use authorization; otherwise, any exercise of such authorization must commence within a reasonable time.
(e) Modification of Conditions. Authorization of a change in any condition previously imposed in the authorization of a Conditional Use shall be subject to the same procedures as a new Conditional Use. Such procedures shall also apply to applications for modification or waiver of conditions set forth in prior stipulations and covenants relative thereto continued in effect by the provisions of Section 174 of this Code.
(f) Conditional Use Abatement. The Planning Commission may consider the possible revocation of a Conditional Use or the possible modification of or placement of additional conditions on a Conditional Use when the Planning Commission determines, based upon substantial evidence, that the applicant for the Conditional Use had submitted false or misleading information in the application process that could have reasonably had a substantial effect upon the decision of the Commission or the Conditional Use is not in compliance with a Condition of Approval, is in violation of law if the violation is within the subject matter jurisdiction of the Planning Commission, or operates in such a manner as to create hazardous, noxious, or offensive conditions enumerated in Section 202(c) if the violation is within the subject matter jurisdiction of the Planning Commission and these circumstances have not been abated through administrative action of the Director, the Zoning Administrator or other City authority. Such consideration shall be the subject of a public hearing before the Planning Commission but no fee shall be required of the applicant or the subject Conditional Use operator.
(1) Public Hearing. The Director of Planning or the Planning Commission may schedule a public hearing on Conditional Use abatement when the Director or Commission has obtained or received (A) substantial evidence submitted within one year of the effective date of the Conditional Use authorization that the applicant for the Conditional Use had submitted false or misleading information in the application process that could have reasonably had a substantial effect upon the decision of the Commission or (B) substantial evidence, submitted or received at any time while the Conditional Use authorization is effective, of a violation of conditions of approval, a violation of law, or operation which creates hazardous, noxious or offensive conditions enumerated in Section 202(c).
(2) Notification. The notice for the public hearing on a Conditional Use abatement shall be subject to the notification procedure described in Section 333 of this Code.
(3) Consideration. In considering a Conditional Use revocation, the Commission shall consider whether and how the false or misleading information submitted by the applicant could have reasonably had a substantial effect upon the decision of the Commission, or the Board of Supervisors on appeal, to authorize the Conditional Use, substantial evidence of how any required condition has been violated or not implemented or how the Conditional Use is in violation of the law if the violation is within the subject matter jurisdiction of the Planning Commission or operates in such a manner as to create hazardous, noxious or offensive conditions enumerated in Section 202(c) if the violation is within the subject matter jurisdiction of the Planning Commission. As an alternative to revocation, the Commission may consider how the use can be required to meet the law or the conditions of approval, how the hazardous, noxious or offensive conditions can be abated, or how the criteria of Section 303(c) can be met by modifying existing conditions or by adding new conditions which could remedy a violation.
(4) Appeals. A decision by the Planning Commission to revoke a Conditional Use, to modify conditions or to place additional conditions on a Conditional Use or a decision by the Planning Commission refusing to revoke or amend a Conditional Use, may be appealed to the Board of Supervisors within 30 days after the date of action by the Planning Commission pursuant to the provisions of Section 308.1(b). The Board of Supervisors may disapprove the action of the Planning Commission in an abatement matter by the same vote necessary to overturn the Commission’s approval or denial of a Conditional Use. The Planning Commission’s action on a Conditional Use abatement issue shall take effect when the appeal period is over or, upon appeal, when there is final action on the appeal.
(5) Reconsideration. The decision by the Planning Commission with respect to a Conditional Use abatement issue or by the Board of Supervisors on appeal shall be final and not subject to reconsideration within a period of one year from the effective date of final action upon the earlier abatement proceeding, unless the Director of Planning determines that:
(A) There is substantial new evidence of a new Conditional Use abatement issue that is significantly different than the issue previously considered by the Planning Commission; or
(B) There is substantial new evidence about the same Conditional Use abatement issue considered in the earlier abatement proceeding, this new evidence was not or could not be reasonably available at the time of the earlier abatement proceeding, and that new evidence indicates that the Commission’s decision in the earlier proceeding has not been implemented within a reasonable time or raises significant new issues not previously considered by the Planning Commission. The decision of the Director of Planning regarding the sufficiency and adequacy of evidence to allow the reconsideration of a Conditional Use abatement issue within a period of one year from the effective date of final action on the earlier abatement proceeding shall be final.
(g) Hotels and Motels. With respect to applications for development of tourist hotels and motels, the Planning Commission shall consider, in addition to the criteria set forth in Subsections (c) and (d) above:
(1) The impact of the employees of the hotel or motel on the demand in the City for housing, public transit, child-care, and other social services. To the extent relevant, the Commission shall also consider the seasonal and part-time nature of employment in the hotel or motel;
(2) The measures that will be taken by the project sponsor to employ residents of San Francisco in order to minimize increased demand for regional transportation;
(3) The market demand for a hotel or motel of the type proposed; and
(4) In the Transit Center C-3-O(SD) Commercial Special Use District, the opportunity for commercial growth in the Special Use District and whether the proposed hotel, considered with other hotels and non-commercial uses approved or proposed for major development sites in the Special Use District since its adoption would substantially reduce the capacity to accommodate dense, transit-oriented job growth in the District.
(h) Internet Services Exchange.
(1) With respect to application for development of Internet Services Exchange as defined in Section 102, the Planning Commission shall, in addition to the criteria set forth in Subsection (c) above, find that:
(A) The intensity of the use at this location and in the surrounding neighborhood is not such that allowing the use will likely foreclose the location of other needed neighborhood-serving uses in the area;
(B) The building in which the use is located is designed in discrete elements, which respect the scale of development in adjacent blocks, particularly any existing residential uses;
(C) Rooftop equipment on the building in which the use is located is screened appropriately.
(D) The back-up power system for the proposed use will comply with all applicable Federal, State, regional and local air pollution controls.
(E) Fixed-source equipment noise does not exceed the decibel levels specified in the San Francisco Noise Control Ordinance.
(F) The building is designed to minimize energy consumption, such as through the use of energy-efficient technology, including without limitation, heating, ventilating and air conditioning systems, lighting controls, natural ventilation and recapturing waste heat, and as such commercially available technology evolves;
(G) The project sponsor has examined the feasibility of supplying and, to the extent feasible, will supply all or a portion of the building's power needs through on-site power generation, such as through the use of fuel cells or co-generation;
(H) The project sponsor shall have submitted design capacity and projected power use of the building as part of the conditional use application; and
(2) As a condition of approval, and so long as the use remains an Internet Services Exchange, the project sponsor shall submit to the Planning Department on an annual basis power use statements for the previous twelve-month period as provided by all suppliers of utilities and shall submit a written annual report to the Department of Environment and the Planning Department which shall state: (a) the annual energy consumption and fuel consumption of all tenants and occupants of the Internet Services Exchange; (b) the number of all diesel generators located at the site and the hours of usage, including usage for testing purposes; (c) evidence that diesel generators at the site are in compliance with all applicable local, regional, State, and Federal permits, regulations and laws; and (d) such other information as the Planning Commission may require.
(3) The Planning Department shall have the following responsibilities regarding Internet Services Exchanges:
(A) Upon the effective date of the requirement of a Conditional Use authorization for an Internet Services Exchange, the Planning Department shall notify property owners of all existing Internet Services Exchanges that the use has been reclassified as a conditional use;
(B) Upon the effective date of the requirement of a Conditional Use authorization for an Internet Services Exchange, the Planning Department shall submit to the Board of Supervisors and to the Director of the Department of Building Inspection a written report covering all existing Internet Services Exchanges and those Internet Services Exchanges seeking to obtain a Conditional Use authorization, which report shall state the address, assessor's block and lot, zoning classification, square footage of the Internet Services Exchange constructed or to be constructed, a list of permits previously issued by the Planning and/or Building Inspection Departments concerning the Internet Services Exchange, the date of issuance of such permits, and the status of any outstanding requests for permits from the Planning and/or Building Inspection Departments concerning Internet Services Exchange; and
(C) Within three years from the effective date of the requirement of a Conditional Use authorization for an Internet Services Exchange, the Planning Department, in consultation with the Department of Environment, shall submit to the Board of Supervisors a written report, which report shall contain the Planning Commission's evaluation of the effectiveness of the conditions imposed on Internet Services Exchanges, and whether it recommends additional or modified conditions to reduce energy and fuel consumption, limit air pollutant emissions, and enhance the compatibility of industrial uses, such as Internet Services Exchanges, located near or in residential or commercial districts.
(1) The extent to which the retail use's parking is planned in a manner that creates or maintains active street frontage patterns;
(2) The extent to which the retail use is a component of a mixed-use project or is designed in a manner that encourages mixed-use building opportunities;
(3) The shift in traffic patterns that may result from drawing traffic to the location of the proposed use;
(4) The impact that the employees at the proposed use will have on the demand in the City for housing, public transit, childcare, and other social services; and
(5) An economic impact study. The Planning Department shall prepare an economic impact study using qualified City staff or shall select a consultant from a pool of pre-qualified consultants to prepare the economic impact study required by this Subsection. The analysis, in the form of a study, shall be considered by the Planning Commission in its review of the application. The applicant shall bear the cost of paying the consultant for his or her work preparing the economic impact study, and any necessary documents prepared as part of that study. The applicant shall also pay an administrative fee to compensate Planning Department and City staff for its time reviewing the study, as set forth in Section 359 of this Code. The study shall evaluate the potential economic impact of the applicant's proposed project, including:
(A) Employment Analysis. The report shall include the following employment information: a projection of both construction-related and permanent employment generated by the proposed project, and a discussion of whether the employer of the proposed project will pay a living wage, inclusive of non-salary benefits expected to be provided, relative to San Francisco's cost of living.
(B) Fiscal Impact. The report shall itemize public revenue created by the proposed project and public services needed because of the proposed project, relative to net fiscal impacts to the General Fund. The impacts to the City's public facilities and infrastructure shall be estimated using the City's current assumptions in existing nexus studies (including area plan, transit, open space in-lieu fee and other impact fees), and should account for any contributions the proposed project would make through such impact fee payments.
(C) Leakage Analysis Study. This portion of the report shall be twofold: both quantitative and qualitative. The quantitative portion shall provide an analysis of whether the proposed project will result in a net increase or decrease in the capture of spending by area residents on items that would otherwise be purchased outside the area. The area to be studied for potential economic impacts of the proposed project shall be determined by the City in consultation with the expert conducting the study as different sizes of study areas would be pertinent depending on a multitude of factors, including but not limited to, size and type of the proposed store. This quantitative leakage analysis should be paired with a qualitative assessment of whether the proposed use would complement existing merchandise selection in the area by adding greater variety of merchandise, bolstering the strength of an existing retail cluster, or matching evolving consumer preferences.
(j) Change in Use or Demolition of Movie Theater Uses. With respect to a change in use or demolition of a Movie Theater use pursuant to Section 202.4, in addition to the criteria set forth in subsections (c) and (d) above, the Commission shall make the following findings:
(1) Preservation of a Movie Theater use is no longer economically viable and cannot effect a reasonable economic return to the property owner. For purposes of defining “reasonable economic return,” the Planning Commission shall be guided by the criteria for Fair Return on Investment set forth in Section 102;
(2) The change in use or demolition of the Movie Theater use will not undermine the economic diversity and vitality of the surrounding District; and
(3) The resulting project will preserve the architectural integrity of important historic features of the movie theater use affected.
(k) Relocation of Existing General Advertising Signs pursuant to a General Advertising Sign Company Relocation Agreement.
(1) Before the Planning Commission may consider an application for a Conditional Use to relocate an existing lawfully permitted General Advertising Sign as authorized by Section 611 of this Code, the applicant sign company must have:
(A) Obtained a current Relocation Agreement approved by the Board of Supervisors under Section of the San Francisco Administrative Code that covers the sign or signs proposed to be relocated; and
(B) Submitted to the Department a current sign inventory, site map, and the other information required under Section 604.2 of this Code; and
(C) Obtained the written consent to the relocation of the sign from the owner of the property upon which the existing sign structure is erected.
(D) Obtained a permit to demolish the sign structure at the existing location.
(2) The Department, in its discretion, may review in a single Conditional Use application all signs proposed for relocation by a General Advertising Sign company or may require that one or more of the signs proposed for relocation be considered in a separate application or applications. Prior to the Commission’s public hearing on the application, the Department shall have verified the completeness and accuracy of the General Advertising Sign company’s sign inventory.
(3) Only one sign may be erected in a new location, which shall be the same square footage or less than the existing sign proposed to be relocated. In no event may the square footage of several existing signs be aggregated in order to erect a new sign with greater square footage; provided however the square footage of one or more existing signs may be disaggregated in order to erect multiple smaller signs with lesser total square footage.
(4) In addition to applicable criteria set forth in subsection (c) above, the Planning Commission shall consider the size and visibility of the signs proposed to be located as well as the following factors in determining whether to approve or disapprove a proposed relocation:
(A) The factors set forth in this subsection (A) shall weigh in favor of the Commission's approval of the proposed relocation site:
(i) The sign or signs proposed for relocation are lawfully existing but are not in conformity with the sign regulations that existed prior to the adoption of Proposition G on March 5, 2002.
(ii) The sign or signs proposed for relocation are on a City list, if any, of priorities for sign removal or signs preferred for relocation.
(iii) The sign or signs proposed for relocation are within, adjacent to, or visible from property under the jurisdiction of the San Francisco Port Commission, the San Francisco Unified School District, or the San Francisco Recreation and Park Commission.
(iv) The sign or signs proposed for relocation are within, adjacent to, or visible from an Historic District or conservation district designated in Article 10 or Article 11 of the Planning Code.
(v) The sign or signs proposed for relocation are within, adjacent to, or visible from a zoning district where general advertising signs are prohibited.
(vi) The sign or signs proposed for relocation are within, adjacent to, or visible from a designated view corridor.
(B) The factors set forth in this subsection (k)(4)(B) shall weigh against the Commission’s approval of the proposed relocation:
(i) The sign or signs proposed for relocation are or will be obstructed, partially obstructed, or removed from public view by another structure or by landscaping.
(ii) The proposed relocation site is adjacent to or visible from property under the jurisdiction of the San Francisco Port Commission, the San Francisco Unified School District, or the San Francisco Recreation and Park Commission.
(iii) The proposed relocation site is adjacent to or visible from an Historic District or conservation district designated in Article 10 or Article 11 of the Planning Code.
(iv) The proposed relocation site is within, adjacent to, or visible from a zoning district where General Advertising Signs are prohibited.
(v) The proposed relocation site is within, adjacent to, or visible from a designated view corridor.
(vi) There is significant neighborhood opposition to the proposed relocation site.
(5) In no event may the Commission approve a relocation where:
(A) The sign or signs proposed for relocation have been erected, placed, replaced, reconstructed, or relocated on the property, or intensified in illumination or other aspect, or expanded in area or in any dimension in violation of Article 6 of this Code or without a permit having been duly issued; or
(B) The proposed relocation site is not a lawful location under Planning Code Section 611(c)(2); or
(C) The sign in its new location would exceed the size, height or dimensions, or increase the illumination or other intensity of the sign at its former location; or
(D) The sign in its new location would not comply with the Code requirements for that location as set forth in Article 6 of this Code; or
(E) The sign has been removed from its former location; or
(F) The owner of the property upon which the existing sign structure is erected has not consented in writing to the relocation of the sign.
(l) Change in Use or Demolition of General Grocery Uses. With respect to a change in use or demolition of General Grocery use which use exceeds 5,000 gross square feet pursuant to Section 202.3 of this Code, in addition to the criteria set forth in subsections (c) and (d) above, the Commission shall make the following findings:
(1) Preservation of a General Grocery use is no longer economically viable and cannot effect a reasonable economic return to the property owner. The Commission may disregard the above finding if it finds that the change in use or replacement structure in the case of demolition will contain a General Grocery that is of a sufficient size to serve the shopping needs of nearby residents and offers comparable services to the former General Grocery store. For purposes of defining “reasonable economic return,” the Planning Commission shall be guided by the criteria for Fair Return on Investment set forth in Section 102; and
(2) The change in use or demolition of the General Grocery use will not undermine the economic diversity and vitality of the surrounding neighborhood.
(m) Tobacco Paraphernalia Establishments.
(1) With respect to a Tobacco Paraphernalia Establishment, as defined in Section 102 of this Code, in addition to the criteria set forth in Subsections (c) and (d) above, the Commission shall make the following findings:
(A) The concentration of such establishments in the particular zoning district for which they are proposed does not appear to contribute directly to peace, health, safety, and general welfare problems, including drug use, drug sales, drug trafficking, other crimes associated with drug use, loitering, and littering, as well as traffic circulation, parking, and noise problems on the district's public streets and lots;
(B) The concentration of such establishments in the particular zoning district for which they are proposed does not appear to adversely impact the health, safety, and welfare of residents of nearby areas, including fear for the safety of children, elderly and disabled residents, and visitors to San Francisco; and
(C) The proposed establishment is compatible with the existing character of the particular district for which it is proposed.
(n) Massage Establishments. With respect to Massage Establishments that are subject to Conditional Use authorization, in addition to the criteria set forth in subsection (c) above, the Commission shall make the following findings:
(1) Whether the applicant has obtained, and maintains in good standing, a permit for a Massage Establishment from the Department of Public Health pursuant to Section of the Health Code;
(2) Whether the use’s façade is transparent and open to the public. Permanent transparency and openness are preferable. Elements that lend openness and transparency to a façade include:
(A) active street frontage of at least 25 feet in length where 75% of that length is devoted to entrances to commercially used space or windows at the pedestrian eye-level;
(B) windows that use clear, untinted glass, except for decorative or architectural accent;
(C) any decorative railings or decorative grille work, other than wire mesh, which is placed in front of or behind such windows, should be at least 75% open to perpendicular view and no more than six feet in height above grade;
(3) Whether the use includes pedestrian-oriented lighting. Well lit establishments where lighting is installed and maintained along all public rights-of-way adjacent to the building with the massage use during the post-sunset hours of the massage use are encouraged:
(4) Whether the use is reasonably oriented to facilitate public access. Barriers that make entrance to the use more difficult than to an average service-provider in the area are to be strongly discouraged. These include (but are not limited to) foyers equipped with double doors that can be opened only from the inside and security cameras.
(o) Eating and Drinking Uses. With regard to a Conditional Use authorization application for a Restaurant, Limited-Restaurant and Bar uses the Planning Commission shall consider, in addition to the criteria set forth in subsection (c) above, the existing concentration of eating and drinking uses in the area. Such concentration should not exceed 25% of the total commercial frontage as measured in linear feet within the immediate area of the subject site except as otherwise provided in this subsection (o). The concentration of eating and drinking uses in the Polk Street Neighborhood Commercial District shall not exceed 35% of the total commercial frontage as measured in linear feet within the immediate area of the subject site. For the purposes of this Section 303 of the Code, the immediate area shall be defined as all properties located within 300' of the subject property and also located within the same zoning district.
(p) Adult Business, Nighttime Entertainment, General Entertainment, and Other Entertainment Uses.
(1) With respect to Conditional Use authorization applications for Adult Business, Nighttime Entertainment, General Entertainment and Other Entertainment uses, such use or feature shall:
(A) If the use is an Adult Business, it shall not be located within 1,000 feet of another such use; and/or
(B) Not be open between two a.m. and six a.m; and
(C) Not use electronic amplification between midnight and six a.m.; and
(D) Be adequately soundproofed or insulated for noise and operated so that incidental noise shall not be audible beyond the premises or in other sections of the building and fixed-source equipment noise shall not exceed the decibel levels specified in the San Francisco Noise Control Ordinance.
(2) Notwithstanding the above, the Planning Commission may authorize a Conditional Use which does not satisfy the criteria set forth in (p)(1)(B) and/or (p)(1)(C) above, if facts presented are such to establish that the use will be operated in such a way as to minimize disruption to residences in and around the district with respect to noise and crowd control.
(3) The action of the Planning Commission approving a Conditional Use does not take effect until the appeal period is over or while the approval is under appeal.
(q) Power Plants. The controls of this Subsection shall apply to all Power Plants in M-1, M-2, and PDR-1-G, and PDR-2 Districts, including any intensification of a Power Plants as described in Section 178(c)(2).
(1) Criteria. In acting on any application for Conditional Use authorization for a Power Plant, the Commission shall consider the conditional use authorization requirements set forth in Subsection (c) above and, in addition, shall only approve an application for a Conditional Use authorization if facts are presented to establish that, on the basis of the record before the Commission:
(A) The benefits to the City's energy system resulting from the energy generated by the proposed power plant cannot be obtained in a reasonable time from a technically and economically feasible power plant and/or energy conservation project that would have materially fewer potential environmental impacts considering, but not limited to, the following: (i) Emissions of criteria air pollutants and greenhouse gas emissions; (ii) Stormwater and wastewater discharges; and (iii) noise and vibration impacts.
(B) A newly proposed Power Plant use would not directly and adversely impact existing or reasonably foreseeable adjoining land uses, or, as applied to a prior nonconforming use, the extension of the power plant use or the increase in intensity of the use would not result in increased direct and adverse impacts on existing or reasonably foreseeable adjoining land uses; and
(C) Granting Conditional Use authorization would not reasonably be expected to leave known contamination in place in such a way that would prolong or increase public health risks associated with such contamination at levels inconsistent with a risk-based remediation consistent with the proposed power plant use; and
(D) Granting Conditional Use authorization would not reasonably be expected to preclude future redevelopment and reuse of the property for non-power plant uses.
(2) Written Findings. The Planning Commission shall make detailed written findings explaining the basis for its decision under this Section.
(3) Severability. In the event that a court or agency of competent jurisdiction holds that Federal or State law, rule, or regulation invalidates any clause, sentence, paragraph of this Section or the application thereof to any person or circumstances, it is intended that the court or agency sever such clause, sentence, paragraph or section so that the remainder of this Section shall remain in effect.
(r) Development of Large Lots in RTO and RTO-M Districts. In order to promote, protect, and maintain a scale of development that is appropriate to each district and compatible with adjacent buildings, new construction or significant enlargement of existing buildings on lots of the same size or larger than the square footage stated in Table 209.4under Large Project Review shall be permitted only as Conditional Uses subject to the provisions set forth in this Section of this Code.
In addition to the criteria of Section 303(c)(1) of this Code, the Planning Commission shall consider the extent to which the following criteria are met:
(1) The mass and articulation of the proposed structures are compatible with the intended scale of the district.
(2) For development sites greater than ½-acre, the extension of adjacent alleys or streets onto or through the site, and/or the creation of new publicly-accessible streets or alleys through the site as appropriate, in order to break down the scale of the site, continue the surrounding existing pattern of streets and alleys, and foster beneficial pedestrian and vehicular circulation.
(3) The site plan, including the introduction of new streets and alleys, the provision of open space and landscaping, and the articulation and massing of buildings, is compatible with the goals and policies of the applicable Area Plan in the General Plan.
(s) Wireless Telecommunications Services (WTS) Facilities.
(1) Due to the potential modification of WTS Facilities over time and the resulting impacts on a neighborhood's aesthetics and character, as well as other changes in neighborhood character over time, a Conditional Use Authorization for a WTS Facility shall have a duration of ten years from the date of approval. If any administrative appeal is taken from the Conditional Use Authorization, the ten-year period shall run from the date the Authorization is upheld on administrative appeal.
(2) The Authorization may be renewed, without limitation, for subsequent time periods of ten years, subject to the following:
(A) The renewal application is filed with the Planning Department prior to expiration, but no earlier than 24 months prior to expiration.
(B) For any Conditional Use Authorization for a WTS Facility, the Planning Commission may, in granting the Conditional Use Authorization, determine that the Director shall review and determine whether to grant any application for renewal of the Conditional Use Authorization for an additional ten-year period.
(C) This provision shall not apply to Conditional Use Authorizations granted prior to the effective date of this Subsection (s). However, applications for Conditional Use Authorizations to modify existing WTS Facilities that are granted on or after the effective date of this Subsection (s) are subject to this Subsection (s).
(t) Non-accessory Parking. When considering a Conditional Use application for non-accessory parking for a specific use or uses, the Planning Commission shall find affirmatively that the project satisfies the following criteria, in addition to those of subsection 303(c), as applicable.
(1) In all zoning districts, the Planning Commission shall apply the following criteria:
(A) Demonstration that trips to the use or uses to be served, and the apparent demand for additional parking, cannot be satisfied by the amount of parking classified by this Code as accessory, by transit service which exists or is likely to be provided in the foreseeable future, by car pool arrangements, by more efficient use of existing on-street and off-street parking available in the area, and by other means;
(B) Demonstration that the apparent demand for additional parking cannot be satisfied by the provision by the applicant of one or more car-share parking spaces in addition to those that may already be required by Section 166 of this Code;
(C) The absence of potential detrimental effects of the proposed parking upon the surrounding area, especially through unnecessary demolition of sound structures, contribution to traffic congestion, or disruption of or conflict with transit services, walking, and cycling;
(D) In the case of uses other than housing, limitation of the proposed parking to short-term occupancy by visitors rather than long-term occupancy by employees; and
(E) Availability of the proposed parking to the general public at times when such parking is not needed to serve the use or uses for which it is primarily intended.
(2) For Non-Accessory Parking in Mixed Use Districts:
(A) A non-accessory garage permitted with Conditional Use may not be permitted under any condition to provide additional accessory parking for specific residential or non-residential uses if the number of spaces in the garage, in addition to the accessory parking permitted in the subject project or building, would exceed those amounts permitted as-of-right or as a Conditional Use by Section 151.1.
(B) Criteria.
(i) Such facility shall meet all the design requirements for setbacks from facades and wrapping with active uses at all levels per the requirements of Section 145.1; and
(ii) Such parking shall not be accessed from any protected Transit or Pedestrian Street described in Section 155(r); and
(iii) Such parking garage shall be located in a building where the ratio of gross square footage of parking uses to other uses that are permitted or Conditionally permitted in that district is not more than 1 to 1; and
(iv) Such parking shall be available for use by the general public on equal terms and shall not be deeded or made available exclusively to tenants, residents, owners, or users of any particular use or building except in cases that such parking meets the criteria of subsection (C) or (D) below; and
(vi) Such facility, to the extent open to the public per subsection (iv) above, shall meet the pricing requirements of Section 155(g) and shall generally limit the proposed parking to short-term occupancy rather than long-term occupancy; and
(vii) Vehicle movement on or around the facility does not unduly impact pedestrian spaces or movement, transit service, bicycle movement, or the overall traffic movement in the district; and
(viii) Such facility and its access does not diminish the quality and viability of existing or planned streetscape enhancements.
(C) Parking of Fleet Vehicles. Parking of fleet of commercial or governmental vehicles intended for work-related use by employees and not used for parking of employees’ personal vehicles may be permitted with Conditional Use provided that the Commission affirmatively finds all of the above criteria except criteria (iv) and (vi).
(D) Pooled Residential Parking. Non-accessory parking facilities limited to use by residents, tenants, or visitors of specific off-site development(s) may be permitted with Conditional Use, provided that the Commission affirmatively finds all of the above criteria under (B) except criteria (iv) and (vi), and provided further that the proposed parking on the subject lot would not exceed the maximum amounts permitted by Section 151.1 with Conditional Use or Exceptions under Sections 309.1 and 329 as accessory for the uses in the off-site residential development. For the purpose of this subsection, an “off-site development” is a development which is existing or has been approved by the Planning Commission or Planning Department in the previous 12 months, is located on a lot other than the subject lot, and does not include any off-street parking. A Notice of Special Restrictions shall be recorded on both the off-site and subject development lot indicating the allocation of the pooled parking.
(3) For Non-Accessory Parking in C-3, RC, NCT, and RTO Districts:
(A) The rate structure of Section 155(g) shall apply;
(B) The project sponsor has produced a survey of the supply and utilization of all existing publicly-accessible parking facilities, both publicly and privately owned, within one-half mile of the subject site, and has demonstrated that such facilities do not contain excess capacity, including via more efficient space management or extended operations;
(C) In the case of expansion of existing facilities, the facility to be expanded has already maximized capacity through use of all feasible space efficient techniques, including valet operation or mechanical stackers;
(D) The proposed facility meets or exceeds all relevant urban design requirements and policies of this Code and the General Plan regarding wrapping with active uses and architectural screening, and such parking is not accessed from any frontages protected in Section 155(r);
(E) Non-accessory parking facilities shall be permitted in new construction only if the ratio between the amount of Occupied Floor Area of principally or conditionally-permitted non- parking uses to the amount of Occupied Floor Area of parking is at least two to one;
(F) The proposed facility shall dedicate no less than 5% of its spaces for short-term, transient use by car share vehicles as defined in Section 166, vanpool, rideshare, or other co-operative auto programs, and shall locate these vehicles in a convenient and priority location. These spaces shall not be used for long-term storage or to satisfy the requirement of Section 166, but rather are intended for use by short-term visitors and customers. Parking facilities intended for sole and dedicated use as long-term storage for company or government fleet vehicles, and not to be available to the public nor to any employees for commute purposes, are not subject to this requirement;
(G) For new or expanding publicly owned non-accessory parking facilities in the C-3, RC, NCT, and RTO Districts, the following shall also apply:
(i) Expansion or implementation of techniques to increase utilization of existing public parking facilities in the vicinity has been explored in preference to creation of new facilities, and has been demonstrated to be infeasible;
(ii) The City has demonstrated that all major institutions (cultural, educational, government) and employers in the area intended to be served by the proposed facility have Transportation Demand Management programs in place to encourage and facilitate use of public transit, carpooling, car sharing, bicycling, walking, and taxis;
(iii) The City has demonstrated that conflicts with pedestrian, cycling, and transit movement resulting from the placement of driveways and ramps, the breaking of continuity of shopping facilities along sidewalks, and the drawing of traffic through areas of heavy pedestrian concentration, have been minimized, and such impacts have been mitigated to the fullest extent possible; and
(iv) The proposed parking conforms to the objectives and policies of the General Plan and any applicable area plans, and is consistent with the City’s transportation management, sustainability, and climate protection goals.
(u) Accessory Parking Above That Principally Permitted.
(1) Residential Uses.
(A) In granting approval for parking accessory to Residential Uses above that principally permitted in Table 151.1, the Planning Commission shall make the following affirmative findings in addition to those stated in Section 303(c):
(i) For projects with 50 units or more, all residential accessory parking in excess of 0.5 parking spaces for each Dwelling Unit shall be stored and accessed by mechanical stackers or lifts, valet, or other space-efficient means that allow more space above-ground for housing, maximizes space efficiency, and discourages use of vehicles for commuting or daily errands. The Planning Commission may authorize the request for additional parking notwithstanding that the project sponsor cannot fully satisfy this requirement provided that the project sponsor demonstrates hardship or practical infeasibility (such as for retrofit of existing buildings) in the use of space-efficient parking given the configuration of the parking floors within the building and the number of independently accessible spaces above 0.5 spaces per unit is de minimus and subsequent valet operation or other form of parking space management could not significantly increase the capacity of the parking space above the maximums in Table 151.1;
(ii) All parking meets the active use and architectural screening requirements in Section 145.1 and the project sponsor is not requesting any exceptions or variances requiring such treatments elsewhere in this Code;
(iii) Demonstration that trips to the use or uses to be served, and the apparent demand for additional parking, cannot be satisfied by the amount of parking classified by this Code as accessory, by transit service which exists or is likely to be provided in the foreseeable future, by carpool arrangements, by more efficient use of existing on-street and off-street parking available in the area, and by other means;
(iv) Demonstration that the apparent demand for additional parking cannot be satisfied by the provision by the applicant of one or more car-share parking spaces in addition to those that may already be required by Section 166 of this Code;
(v) The absence of potential detrimental effects of the proposed parking upon the surrounding area, especially through unnecessary demolition of sound structures, contribution to traffic congestion, or disruption of or conflict with transit services, walking, and cycling; and
(vi) Accommodating excess accessory parking does not degrade the overall urban design quality of the project proposal nor diminish the quality and viability of existing or planned streetscape enhancements.
(B) Required Additional Conditions. Additionally, in granting approval for such accessory parking above that principally permitted, the Commission may require the property owner to pay the annual membership fee to a certified car-share organization, as defined in Section 166(b)(2), for any resident of the project who so requests and who otherwise qualifies for such membership, provided that such requirement shall be limited to one membership per Dwelling Unit, when the following findings are made:
(i) that the project encourages additional private-automobile use, thereby creating localized transportation impacts for the neighborhood; and
(ii) that these localized transportation impacts may be lessened for the neighborhood by the provision of car-share memberships to residents.
(2) Non-Residential Uses.
(A) Criteria. In granting such Conditional Use, the Planning Commission shall make the following affirmative findings according to the uses to which the proposed parking is accessory:
(i) Vehicle movement on or around the project does not unduly impact pedestrian spaces or movement, transit service, bicycle movement, or the overall traffic movement in the district;
(ii) Accommodating excess accessory parking does not degrade the overall urban design quality of the project proposal;
(iii) All above-grade parking is architecturally screened and lined with active uses according to the standards of Section 145.1, and the project sponsor is not requesting any exceptions or variances requiring such treatments elsewhere in this Code; and
(iv) Excess accessory parking does not diminish the quality and viability of existing or planned streetscape enhancements.
(B) Conditions. All Non-Residential Uses exceeding 20,000 square feet shall be subject to the following conditions:
(i) Projects that provide more than 10 spaces for non-residential uses must dedicate 5% of these spaces, rounded down to the nearest whole number, to short-term, transient use by vehicles from certified car sharing organizations per Section 166, vanpool, rideshare, taxis, or other co-operative auto programs. These spaces shall not be used for long-term storage nor satisfy the requirement of Section 166, but rather to park the vehicles during trips to commercial uses. These spaces may be used by shuttle or delivery vehicles used to satisfy Subsection (ii);
(ii) Retail uses larger than 20,000 square feet including but not limited to grocery, hardware, furniture, consumer electronics, greenhouse or nursery, and appliance stores, which sell merchandise that is impractical to carry on public transit, shall offer, at minimal or no charge to its customers, door-to-door delivery service and/or shuttle service. This is encouraged, but not required, for retail uses less than 20,000 square feet;
(iii) Parking shall be limited to short-term use only; and
(iv) Parking shall be available to the general public at times when such parking is not needed to serve the use or uses to which it is accessory.
(v) Affordable Housing Bonus Projects. The purpose of this Section 303(v) is to ensure that all Analyzed State Density Bonus Program Projects under Section 206.5 are reviewed in coordination with priority processing available for certain projects with greater levels of affordable housing. While most projects in the Program will likely be somewhat larger than their surroundings in order to facilitate higher levels of affordable housing, the Planning Commission and Department shall ensure that each project is consistent with the Affordable Housing Bonus Design Guidelines and any other applicable design guidelines, as adopted and periodically amended by the Planning Commission, so that projects respond to their surrounding context, while still meeting the City’s affordable housing goals.
(1) Planning Commission Design Review: The Planning Commission shall review and evaluate all physical aspects of a State Analyzed Project at a public hearing. The Planning Commission recognizes that most qualifying projects will need to be larger in height and mass than surrounding buildings to achieve the Affordable Housing Bonus Program’s affordable housing goals. However, the Planning Commission may, consistent with the Affordable Housing Bonus Program Design Guidelines, and any other applicable design guidelines, and upon recommendation from the Planning Director, make minor modifications to a project to reduce the impacts of such differences in scale.
(2) Additional Criteria. In addition to the criteria set forth in subsection (c)(2), the Planning Commission shall consider the extent to which the following criteria are met:
(A) whether the project would require the demolition of an existing building;
(B) whether the project would remove existing commercial or retail uses;
(C) If the project would remove existing commercial or retail uses, how recently the commercial or retail uses were occupied by a tenant or tenants;
(D) whether the project includes commercial or retail uses;
(E) whether there is an adverse impact on the public health, safety, and general welfare due to the loss of commercial or retail uses in the district where the project is located; and
(F) whether any existing commercial or retail use has been designated, or is eligible to be designated, as a Legacy Business under Administrative Code Section ; or is a formula retail business.
(3) In no case may a project receive a site permit or any demolition permit prior to 18 months from the date of written notification required by 206.5(d)(7).
(w) Cannabis Retail. With respect to any application for the establishment of a new Cannabis Retail Use, in addition to the criteria set forth in subsections (c) and (d) above, the Commission shall consider the geographic distribution of Cannabis Retail Uses throughout the City, the concentration of Cannabis Retail and Medical Cannabis Dispensary Uses within the general proximity of the proposed Cannabis Retail Use, the balance of other goods and services available within the general proximity of the proposed Cannabis Retail Use, any increase in youth access and exposure to cannabis at nearby facilities that primarily serve youth, and any proposed measures to counterbalance any such increase.
(x) Medical Cannabis Dispensaries. With respect to any application for the establishment of a new Medical Cannabis Dispensary Use, in addition to the criteria set forth in subsections (c) and (d) above, the Commission shall consider the concentration of Cannabis Retail and Medical Cannabis Dispensary Uses within the general proximity the proposed Medical Cannabis Dispensary Use.
(y) Curb Cuts on Restricted Streets. With respect to an application for a new or expanded curb cut on street frontages subject to Section 155(r), the Planning Commission shall affirmatively find, in addition to those findings in subsections 303(c) and (d) above, that the project meets one or more of the following criteria:
(1) That the restriction on curb cuts at this location would substantially affect access to or operations of emergency services;
(2) That the proposed land use(s) requires off-street parking or loading for disability access under a local, State, or federal law or has an extraordinary need to provide off-street parking or loading for a General Grocery Use, Institutional Use, or PDR Use; and/or
(3) The proposed use necessitates on-site loading spaces in order to prevent a significant negative impact on Muni operations, the safety of pedestrian, cyclists, or traffic hazards.
(z) Liquor Stores. With regard to the Conditional Use application for a Liquor Store use, the Planning Commission shall consider, in addition to the criteria set forth in subsection (c) above:
the existing concentration of Liquor Store uses within 300 feet of the proposed location; and
the availability of General Grocery or Specialty Grocery stores in the area selling alcoholic beverages as well as a range of foods.
(Amended by Ord. 443-78, App. 10/6/78; Ord. 69-87, App. 3/13/87; Ord. 412-88, App. 9/10/88; Ord. 115-90, App. 4/6/90; Ord. 47-92, App. 2/14/92; Ord. 304-99, File No. 990495, App. 12/3/99; Ord. 311-99, File No. 991585, App. 12/3/99; Ord. 169-00, File No. 991953, App. 7/7/2000; Ord. 259-00, File No. 001422, App. 11/17/2000; Ord. 77-02, File No. 011448, App. 5/24/2002; Ord. 43-03, File No. 021772, App. 4/3/2003; Ord. 62-04, File No. 031501, App. 4/9/2004; Ord. 89-04, File No. 031463, App. 5/27/2004; Ord. 270-04, File No. 041070, App. 11/9/2004; Ord. 140-06, File No. 052921, App. 6/22/2006; Ord. 298-06, File No. 061261, App. 12/12/2006; Ord. 72-08, File No. 071157, App. 4/3/2008; Ord. 112-08, File No. 080095, App. 6/30/2008; Ord. 244-08, File No. 080567, App. 10/30/2008; Ord. 245-08, File No. 080696; Ord. 139-09, File No. 090402, App. 7/2/2009; Ord. 140-11, File No. 110482, App. 7/5/2011, Eff. 8/4/2011; Ord. 75-12
, File No. 120084, App. 4/23/2012, Eff. 5/23/2012; Ord. 106-12
, File No. 120047, App. 6/22/2012, Eff. 7/22/2012; Ord. 182-12
, File No. 120665, App. 8/8/2012, Eff. 9/7/2012; Ord. 56-13
, File No. 130062, App. 3/28/2013, Eff. 4/27/2013; Ord. 248-13
, File No. 130372, App. 11/8/2013, Eff. 12/8/2013; Ord. 235-14
, File No. 140844, App. 11/26/2014, Eff. 12/26/2014; Ord. 235-14
, File No. 140844, App. 11/26/2014, Eff. 12/26/2014; Ord. 22-15, File No. 141253, App. 2/20/2015, Eff. 3/22/2015; Ord. 188-15
, File No. 150871, App. 11/4/2015, Eff. 12/4/2015; Ord. 166-16
, File No. 160477, App. 8/11/2016, Eff. 9/10/2016; Ord. 99-17, File No. 170206, App. 5/19/2017, Eff. 6/18/2017; Ord. 116-17, File No. 150969, App. 6/13/2017, Eff. 7/13/2017; Ord. 129-17, File No. 170203, App. 6/30/2017, Eff. 7/30/2017; Ord. 205-17, File No. 170418, App. 11/3/2017, Eff. 12/3/2017; Ord. 229-17, File No. 171041, App. 12/6/2017, Eff. 1/5/2018; Ord. 198-18, File No. 180456, App. 8/10/2018, Eff. 9/10/2018; Ord. 277-18, File No. 180914, App. 11/20/2018, Eff. 12/21/2018; Ord. 179-18, File No. 180423, App. 7/27/2018, Eff. 8/27/2018, Oper. 1/1/2019; Ord. 182-19, File No. 190248, App. 8/9/2019, Eff. 9/9/2019)
[Former] division (i) and division (l)(5)(A) amended; Ord. 140-11, Eff. 8/4/2011. [Former] division (i) amended; [former] division (p) added; Ord. 75-12
, Eff. 5/23/2012. [Former] division (i) amended; Ord. 106-12
, Eff. 7/22/2012. [Former] division (g)(1)(D) added; [former] divisions (g)(2) and (g)(3) amended; Ord. 182-12
, Eff. 9/7/2012. Divisions (c)(3), (c)(4), (c)(5)(A), (c)(5)(A)(i), and [former] (i) amended; former divisions (j)(A)-(D) redesignated as [former] (j)(1)-(4); [former] divisions (k)(1), (l)(3), (l)(5), (n)(1), and (o)(1) amended; Ord. 56-13
, Eff. 4/27/2013. [Former] division (i) amended; Ord. 248-13
, Eff. 12/8/2013. Former division (i) deleted; former division (j) redesignated as current division (i) and new division (i)(5) added; former divisions (k)-(o) redesignated as current divisions (j)-(n) and internal references adjusted accordingly; former divisions (p) and (p)(1)(A) redesignated as current divisions (o) and [former] (o)(1); Ord. 235-14
, Eff. 12/26/2014. Former division (c)(1)(A) merged into division (c)(1) and amended; former divisions (c)(1)(A)(i)-(iii) redesignated as (c)(1)(A)-(C); divisions (c)(4) and (c)(5) amended; former division (c)(6) deleted; divisions (f)(1)-(3) amended; former division (g)(1) merged into division (g) and former divisions (g)(1)(A)-(D) redesignated as (g)(1)-(4); former divisions (g)(2) and (g)(3) deleted; divisions (h)(1), (h)(3)(A)-(C), (j), and (j)(1) amended; former division (j)(1)(A)(i) merged into division (j)(1)(A) and amended; divisions (j)(1)(B), (l), and (l)(1) amended; former division (l)(1)(A)(i) merged into division (l)(1)(A) and amended; divisions (m)(1), (n)(1), and (n)(1)(A) amended; former division (o)(1) merged into division (o) and amended; divisions (p) and (q) added; Ord. 22-15, Eff. 3/22/2015. Divisions (n)(1)(A), (p), (p)(1), and (p)(2) amended; division (r) added; Ord. 188-15
, Eff. 12/4/2015. Division (s) added; Ord. 166-16
, Eff. 9/10/2016.Divisions (t) and (u) added; Ord. 99-17
, Eff. 6/18/2017. [Former] division (t) added; Ord. 116-17
, Eff. 7/13/2017. Divisions (a), (b), (c), (d), (e), (f)-(f)(5)(B), amended; former division (j)(1) merged into division (j) and amended; former divisions (j)(1)(A)-(C) redesignated as (j)(1)-(3); divisions (k)(1), (k)(2), (k)(4)(B), (k)(4)(B)(iv), and (k)(6) amended; former division (l)(1) merged into division (l), former divisions (l)(1)(A)-(B) redesignated as (l)(1)-(2), and current divisions (l)-(l)(2) amended; former division (n)(1) merged into division (n), former divisions (n)(1)(A)-(D) redesignated as (n)(1)-(4), and former divisions (n)(1)(B)(i)-(iii) redesignated as (n)(2)(A)-(C); current divisions (n), (n)(1), (n)(2)(A), and (n)(2)(C) amended; divisions (p), (p)(1), (p)(2), (p)(3), and (r) amended; Ord. 129-17
, Eff. 7/30/2017. Divisions (a), (f), and (o) amended; Ord. 205-17
, Eff. 12/3/2017. Second division (t) redesignated as (v) and related references amended; divisions (w) and (x) added; Ord. 229-17, Eff. 1/5/2018. Divisions (v) and (v)(1) amended; former divisions (v)(1)(A)- (v)(2)(G) deleted; former divisions (v)(3)-(v)(3)(F) and (v)(4) redesignated as (v)(2)-(v)(2)(F) and (v)(3); current division (v)(3) amended; Ord. 198-18, Eff. 9/10/2018. Divisions (y)-(y)(3) added; Ord. 277-18, Eff. 12/21/2018. Division (f)(2) amended; Ord. 179-18, Oper. 1/1/2019. Divisions (z)-(z)(B)1
added; Ord. 182-19
, Eff. 9/9/2019.
1. So in Ord. 182-19.