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   A Coastal Zone Permit shall be applied for at the Planning Department concurrent with other necessary project permit(s).
   (a)   An application for a Coastal Zone Permit where a Conditional Use authorization is required shall be reviewed subject to the procedures for reviewing conditional use applications in Section 303 of the Planning Code.
   (b)   An application for a Coastal Zone Permit where a variance application is required shall be reviewed subject to the procedures for variances in Section 305 of the Planning Code.
   (c)   An application for a Coastal Zone Permit where a building permit authorization is required shall be reviewed subject to the procedures set forth in the Planning Code, and Business and Tax Regulations Code.
   (d)   Planning Code amendments and changes to the Zoning Map shall be conducted according to Section 302 of the Planning Code.
      (1)   Amendments to the Local Coastal Program, include, but are not limited to, any action by the Planning Commission, or Board of Supervisors which authorizes a use of a parcel of land other than that designated in the certified Local Coastal Program as a permitted use of such parcel.
      (2)   Any proposed amendments, set-back proceedings, zoning map changes or interim zoning controls which may alter the Local Coastal Program shall be submitted as a request for an amendment of the Local Coastal Program for review by the California Coastal Commission. No more than three submittals may be made per calendar year. Such amendment shall take effect only after it has been certified by the California Coastal Commission.
(Added by Ord. 509-85, App. 11/22/85; amended by Ord. 188-15 , File No. 150871, App. 11/4/2015, Eff. 12/4/2015)
Division (c) amended; other nonsubstantive changes; Ord. 188-15 , Eff. 12/4/2015.