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(a) The Planning Commission has adopted the Market and Octavia Area Plan as part of the General Plan of the City and County of San Francisco. The Area Plan, in conjunction with the Market and Octavia Neighborhood Plan, outlines specific goals that cumulatively frame the community's vision for the management of growth and development in the plan area. The Market and Octavia Neighborhood Plan introduces innovative policies and land use controls to achieve the plan goals. Successful fruition of the plan's goals requires a coordinated implementation of land use controls, community and public service delivery, key policies, and community infrastructure improvements.
(b) In order to ensure a balanced implementation of the Market and Octavia Neighborhood Plan, the Planning Department will implement a formal monitoring program, with a focus on key indicators. The monitoring program is necessary to evaluate the effectiveness of the Plan and the impacts of growth, particularly housing supply, neighborhood character, and transportation infrastructure and service. The monitoring program will determine whether necessary infrastructure improvements have keep pace with development in the Plan Area. If monitoring surveys indicate an imbalance in growth of neighborhood and relevant infrastructure and support, the Planning Department must recommend policy changes to balance development with infrastructure and services. Appropriate responses may include further study of specific conditions, temporary or permanent alterations to Market and Octavia Neighborhood Plan policies, amendments to the Planning Code, and the dedication of additional revenue for planned improvements.
(c) Monitoring reports are a standard tool used to ensure a plan's success. The Downtown Plan of 1985 implemented a model monitoring system, which includes both an annual and 5-year monitoring cycle. Annual monitoring efforts for the Market and Octavia Plan Area should be coordinated with these efforts, but include a focus on policies and indicators relevant to the Market and Octavia Neighborhood Plan. The Market and Octavia time series monitoring report should be published independently.
(d) The Market and Octavia Plan is a pilot planning effort, implementing modern planning strategies. Data on the successes will be a useful contribution to the field of planning and to other municipalities aiming to achieve transit-oriented communities.
(e) The Planning Department will execute a two-tiered monitoring program. The two tiers are: 1) An annual collection and reporting of data from selected sources that are gathered on a regular basis, and 2) every five years, a more extensive data collection effort that includes a evaluation of policy objectives specific to the Market and Octavia Area Plan and reporting of neighborhood trends. The annual monitoring will provide notice for trends that may develop, gauging progress towards long range goals. The time series report will provide in depth analysis of the Plan Area, including a discussion of qualitative trends.
(f) In coordination with relevant Board of Supervisor representatives and related City agencies a Citizens Advisory Committee shall be formed to participate in the on-going implementation of the Market and Octavia Plan. This Committee shall participate in monitoring efforts, as needed, and be presented a copy of all reports.
(Added by Ord. 72-08, File No. 071157, App. 4/3/2008)