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Minimum Lot Width and Area.
Development of Large Lots, Neighborhood Commercial Districts.
Non-Residential Use Size Limits in Neighborhood Commercial and Neighborhood Commercial Transit Districts.
Development of Large Lots, Chinatown Mixed Use Districts.
Non-Residential Use Size Limits in Mixed Use Districts.
Large-Scale Retail Uses.
Restriction of Lot Mergers in Certain Districts and on Pedestrian-Oriented Streets.
Subdivision of Large Lots, PDR Districts.
Height and Bulk Limitations.
Maximum Floor Area Ratio.
Basic Floor Area Ratio.
Floor Area Ratio Exceptions: Chinatown.
Floor Area Premiums, Districts Other than NC, C-3 and Mixed Use.
Transfer of Permitted Basic Gross Floor Area.
Transfer of Development Rights in C-3 Districts.
Transfer of Development Rights in the Central SoMa Special Use District.
Yard and Setback Requirements, General.
Legislated Setback Lines.
Front Setback Areas in RTO, RH, and RM Districts and for Required Setbacks for Planned Unit Developments.
Setbacks and Streetwall Articulation: C-3 Districts.
Setbacks in the North of Market Residential Special Use District.
Sun Access for Sidewalks Setbacks  –  Chinatown.
Setbacks, Streetwall Articulation, and Tower Separation in the Central SoMa Special Use District.
Side Yards, RH-1(D) Districts.
Rear Yards, R, NC, C, SPD, M, MUG, WMUG, MUO, MUR, UMU, RED, and RED-MX Districts.
Site Coverage in Chinatown Mixed Use Districts.
Usable Open Space for Dwelling Units and Group Housing, R, NC, Mixed Use, C, and M Districts.
Open Space Requirements for Uses Other than Residential in Chinatown.
Usable Open Space for Live/Work Units in Newly Constructed Buildings or Expansions of Existing Buildings.
Usable Open Space for Uses Other than Dwelling Units, Group Housing and Live/Work Units Within the Eastern Neighborhoods Mixed Use and DTR Districts.
Obstructions Over Streets and Alleys and in Required Setbacks, Yards, and Usable Open Space.
Awnings, Canopies and Marquees.
Modification of Certain Plazas, Arcades, and Sidewalks.
Privately-Owned Public Open Space (POPOS) Requirements.
Streetscape and Pedestrian Improvements.
Standards for Bird-Safe Buildings.
All Dwelling Units in All Use Districts to Face on an Open Area.
Common Area Requirement for Efficiency Dwelling Units with Reduced Square Footage.
Screening of Rooftop Features in R, NC, C, M, WMUG, WMUO, RED, RED-MX, SALI and Mixed Use Districts.
Screening and Greening of Parking and Vehicular Use Areas.
Street Frontages in RH, RTO, RTO-M, and RM Districts.
Moderation of Building Fronts in RM-1 and RM-2 Districts.
Frontages, Outdoor Activity Areas, Walkup Facilities, and  Ground Floor Uses and Standards in Commercial, Residential-Commercial, Neighborhood Commercial, Mixed Use, and Industrial Districts.
Street Frontages in Neighborhood Commercial, Residential-Commercial, Commercial, and Mixed Use Districts.
Outdoor Activity Areas in NC Districts.
Maximum Street Frontages  –  Chinatown.
Required Ground Floor Commercial Uses.
Ground Floor Standards in Industrial Districts.
Sunlight Access to Public Sidewalks in C-3 Districts.
Reduction of Shadows on Certain Public or Publicly Accessible Open Spaces in C-3, South of Market Mixed Use, and Eastern Neighborhoods Mixed Use Districts.
Reduction of Ground-Level Wind Currents in C-3 Districts.
Better Roofs; Living Roof Alternative.
(The diagrams in this Article are illustrative only, and not a part of the adopted ordinance.)