You are viewing an archived code
Minimum Lot Width and Area. | |
Development of Large Lots, Neighborhood Commercial Districts. | |
Non-Residential Use Size Limits in Neighborhood Commercial and Neighborhood Commercial Transit Districts. | |
Development of Large Lots, Chinatown Mixed Use Districts. | |
Non-Residential Use Size Limits in Mixed Use Districts. | |
Large-Scale Retail Uses. | |
Restriction of Lot Mergers in Certain Districts and on Pedestrian-Oriented Streets. | |
Subdivision of Large Lots, PDR Districts. | |
Height and Bulk Limitations. | |
Maximum Floor Area Ratio. | |
Basic Floor Area Ratio. | |
Floor Area Ratio Exceptions: Chinatown. | |
Floor Area Premiums, Districts Other than NC, C-3 and Mixed Use. | |
Transfer of Permitted Basic Gross Floor Area. | |
Transfer of Development Rights in C-3 Districts. | |
Transfer of Development Rights in the Central SoMa Special Use District. | |
Yard and Setback Requirements, General. | |
Legislated Setback Lines. | |
Front Setback Areas in RTO, RH, and RM Districts and for Required Setbacks for Planned Unit Developments. | |
Setbacks and Streetwall Articulation: C-3 Districts. | |
Setbacks in the North of Market Residential Special Use District. | |
Sun Access for Sidewalks Setbacks – Chinatown. | |
Setbacks, Streetwall Articulation, and Tower Separation in the Central SoMa Special Use District. | |
Side Yards, RH-1(D) Districts. | |
Rear Yards, R, NC, C, SPD, M, MUG, WMUG, MUO, MUR, UMU, RED, and RED-MX Districts. | |
Site Coverage in Chinatown Mixed Use Districts. | |
Usable Open Space for Dwelling Units and Group Housing, R, NC, Mixed Use, C, and M Districts. | |
Open Space Requirements for Uses Other than Residential in Chinatown. | |
Usable Open Space for Live/Work Units in Newly Constructed Buildings or Expansions of Existing Buildings. | |
Usable Open Space for Uses Other than Dwelling Units, Group Housing and Live/Work Units Within the Eastern Neighborhoods Mixed Use and DTR Districts. | |
Obstructions Over Streets and Alleys and in Required Setbacks, Yards, and Usable Open Space. | |
Awnings, Canopies and Marquees. | |
Modification of Certain Plazas, Arcades, and Sidewalks. | |
Privately-Owned Public Open Space (POPOS) Requirements. | |
Streetscape and Pedestrian Improvements. | |
Standards for Bird-Safe Buildings. | |
All Dwelling Units in All Use Districts to Face on an Open Area. | |
Common Area Requirement for Efficiency Dwelling Units with Reduced Square Footage. | |
Screening of Rooftop Features in R, NC, C, M, WMUG, WMUO, RED, RED-MX, SALI and Mixed Use Districts. | |
Screening and Greening of Parking and Vehicular Use Areas. | |
Street Frontages in RH, RTO, RTO-M, and RM Districts. | |
Moderation of Building Fronts in RM-1 and RM-2 Districts. | |
Street Frontages in Neighborhood Commercial, Residential-Commercial, Commercial, and Mixed Use Districts. | |
Outdoor Activity Areas in NC Districts. | |
Maximum Street Frontages – Chinatown. | |
Required Ground Floor Commercial Uses. | |
Ground Floor Standards in Industrial Districts. | |
Sunlight Access to Public Sidewalks in C-3 Districts. | |
Reduction of Shadows on Certain Public or Publicly Accessible Open Spaces in C-3, South of Market Mixed Use, and Eastern Neighborhoods Mixed Use Districts. | |
Better Roofs; Living Roof Alternative. | |
(The diagrams in this Article are illustrative only, and not a part of the adopted ordinance.)