For the purposes of this Chapter, the following words and phrases shall have the following meanings. These definitions are to be broadly interpreted and construed to provide maximum protection to the environmentally sensitive lands and resources protected by this Chapter.
(a) "Biological Resource Core Area" shall mean land that qualifies as an integral component of a viable regional ecosystem according to the criteria and procedure set out in Section 86.506.
(b) "Clearing" refers to the removal of natural vegetation by any means, including brushing and grubbing.
(c) "Clerk of the Board" shall mean the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors.
(d) "Corridor" is a specific route that is used for movement and migration of species. A corridor may be different from a "Linkage" because it represents a smaller or more narrow avenue for movement.
(e) "Critical Populations of Sensitive Plant Species" shall mean those populations of plant species listed on Attachment C of Document No. 0769999 on file with the Clerk of the Board.
(f) "Director" shall mean the Director of Planning and Development Services.
(g) "Edge Effects" shall mean indirect impacts to a preserve area caused by the existence of development adjacent to the preserve area.
(h) "Essential Public Facility or Project" shall mean any structure or improvement necessary for the provision of services for the health, safety and welfare of the public, which must be located in the particular location to serve its purpose and for which no less environmentally damaging location, alignment, or non-structural alternative exists.
(i) "Floodplain" shall mean an area of land that would be inundated by a flood with a probability of occurring once in 100 years. These areas are identified in the report "County of San Diego Floodplain Maps" approved by the Board of Supervisors.
(j) "HCP/NCCP Plan" shall mean a Habitat Conservation Plan ("HCP") approved pursuant to 16 U.S.C. Section 1539(a)(2)(A) and the plan developed in accordance with the Natural Communities Conservation Act, Cal. Fish and Game Code Section 2800 and following, also referred to as an NCCP.
(k) "In-kind Mitigation" shall mean mitigation with the same species or vegetation community classification as the site being impacted.
(l) "Linkage" shall mean an area of land which supports or contributes to the long-term movement of wildlife and genetic material.
(m) "Mature Riparian woodland" shall mean a grouping of sycamores, cottonwoods, willows and/or oak trees having substantial biological value where at least ten of the trees have a diameter of six inches or greater.
(n) "Narrow Endemic Plant Species" shall mean those plant species listed on Attachment E of Document No. 0769999 on file with the Clerk of the Board.
(o) "Native Vegetation" shall mean Vegetation composed of plants which naturally occur in the San Diego region and were not introduced directly or indirectly by humans. Native vegetation may be found in, but is not limited to, marshes, native grasslands, coastal/inland sage scrub, chaparral, woodlands, forests and other vegetation communities.
(p) "Natural Vegetation" shall mean those vegetation communities included in Tiers I, II and III on the List of San Diego County Vegetation Communities and Tier Levels (Attachment K of Document No. 0769999 on file with the Clerk of the Board). Non-Native grassland shall be included under this definition because it is a naturalized community which provides habitat for a number of native and some sensitive species of plants and animals.
(q) "Rare, Narrow Endemic Animal Species" shall mean those species or subspecies that are listed on Attachment D of Document No. 0769999 on file with the Clerk of the Board.
(r) "Sensitive Plant Species" shall mean those plants which meet the following criteria:
Group A = Plants that are rare, threatened or endangered in California and elsewhere; or
Group B = Plants that are rare, threatened or endangered in California but more common elsewhere; or
Group C = Plants which may be quite rare, but need more information to determine their true rarity status; or
Group D = Plants of limited distribution and are uncommon, but not presently rare or endangered.
(s) "Sensitive Species" shall mean:
(1) Those species that are included on generally accepted and documented lists of plants and animals of Endangered, threatened, candidate or of special concern by the Federal Government, or State of California;
(2) Those species listed on Attachment C, Critical Populations of Sensitive Plant Species within the MSCP Subarea, Attachment D, Rare, Narrow Endemic Animal Species, Attachment E, Narrow Endemic Plant Species, Attachment K, San Diego County Vegetation Communities and Tier levels within the MSCP, and Sensitive Plant Species as defined by this Chapter.
(3) Those species that meet the definition of "Rare or Endangered Species" under Section 15380 of the State CEQA Guidelines.
(t) "Significant Population" shall mean a group or groups of sensitive species, wherever located, the loss of which would substantially reduce the likelihood of the survival and recovery of the species.
(u) "Subarea Plan" shall mean an HCP/NCCP plan prepared by the County and reviewed and approved by the Wildlife Agencies and the Board of Supervisors, to implement the Multiple Species Conservation Program within the County's jurisdictional boundaries.
(v) "Take Authorization Area" shall mean the areas designated on the map attached hereto and marked Attachment B of Document No. 0769999 on file with the Clerk of the Board.
(w) "Urban Area" shall mean an area consisting of one or more dwelling units per acre.
(x) "Watershed" shall mean all surface area that drains toward a vernal pool.
(y) "Wildlife Agencies" shall mean the United States Fish and Wildlife Service and the California Department of Fish and Wildlife.
(z) "Disturbed Land" shall mean land that does not have habitat value for native species as a result of activities permitted by law. Habitat that is the result of natural processes and succession may not be considered disturbed land.
(Added by Ord. No. 9632 (N.S.), effective 4-23-04; amended by Ord. No. 10224 (N.S.), effective 10-25-12; amended by Ord. No. 10705 (N.S.), effective 1-8-21)