Inherent in the high cost of election campaigning is the problem of improper influence, real or potential, exercised by campaign contributors over elected officials. It is the purpose and intent of the Board of Supervisors of the County of San Diego in enacting this chapter:
(a) to preserve an orderly political forum in which individuals may express themselves effectively; to place realistic and enforceable limits on the amounts of money that may be contributed to political campaigns in county elections;
(b) to prohibit contributions by organizations in order to develop a broader base of political efficacy within the community;
(c) to limit the use of loans and credit in the financing of county election campaigns;
(d) to provide full and fair enforcement of all the provisions of this chapter; and
(e) to encourage the public to participate as candidates in elections by simplifying the local regulations as much as possible in matters adequately regulated by state law.
(Amended by Ord. No. 9374 (N.S.), effective 9-6-01)