The following activities require a license for which the Sheriff is the Issuing Officer:
(a) Amusement Establishment and Devices
(b) Amusement Ride Centers/Go-Cart Centers
(c) Bathhouses
(d) Carnivals and Circuses
(e) Casino Parties
(f) Entertainment Establishments
(g) Entertainment Managers
(h) Firearms Dealers
(i) Fortune Telling
(j) Holistic Health Practitioners
(k) Junk Yards and Motor Vehicle Wrecking Yards
(l) Massage Establishments
(m) Massage Technicians
(n) Massage Technician Trainees
(o) [Reserved]
(p) Merchandise Coupons
(q) Off-Premises Massage
(r) Outdoor Assemblies
(s) Outdoor Assembly Managers
(t) Pawnbrokers and Second Hand Dealers
(u) Public Dances
(v) Solicitors
(1) License
(2) Identification Card
(w) Swap Meets
(x) Taxicab Operators and Taxicab Drivers
(1) Operator's License
(2) Driver's Identification Card
(y) Teen-age Dances
(Amended by Ord. No. 5307 (N.S.), effective 12-21-78; amended by Ord. No. 5493 (N.S.), effective 5-24-79; amended by Ord. No. 5931 (N.S.), effective 11-18-80; Ord. No. 5938 (N.S.), adopted 11-25-80, effective 12-25-80, supersedes Ord. No. 5931; amended by Ord. No. 6408 (N.S.), effective 8-26-82; amended by Ord. No. 8244 (N.S.), effective 6-17-93; amended by Ord. No. 8655 (N.S.), effective 4-18-96; amended by Ord. No. 9420 (N.S.), effective 2-2-02; amended by Ord. No. 9479 (N.S.), effective 7-19-02; amended by Ord. No. 9889 (N.S.), effective 10-26-07; amended by Ord. No. 10102 (N.S.), effective 1-7-11; amended by Ord. No. 10120 (N.S.), effective 3-3-11; amended by Ord. No. 10489 (N.S.), effective 7-27-17; amended by Ord. No. 10796 (N.S.), effective 7-14-22; amended by Ord. No. 10803 (N.S.), effective 9-15-22; amended by Ord. No. 10812 (N.S.), effective 12-16-22)