(a) Following a foreclosure sale of residential real property, all Trustee's Deeds submitted to the County Recorder's office for recordation in the public records relating to residential property located in the unincorporated area, where the purchaser of the property is the foreclosing lender, shall have attached a separate page entitled "Foreclosing Lender Contact Information" setting forth the current contact information for the foreclosing lender and the authorized representative of the foreclosing lender charged with the obligation to manage, care for and maintain the foreclosed property. The current contact information shall include the name, address, telephone number and email address for the foreclosing lender and the authorized representative of the foreclosing lender.
(b) If the Foreclosing Lender Contact Information page is not attached to a Trustee's Deed at the time it is recorded, a document titled "Notice of Foreclosing Lender Contact Information" signed by the foreclosing lender or its authorized representative shall be recorded separately. A Notice of Foreclosing Lender Contact Information shall meet recording requirements of state statutes and contain the current contact information, the property's address, the County Assessor's parcel number for the property, and the County Recorder's document identification number for the recorded Trustee's Deed. A Notice of Foreclosing Lender Contact Information shall also be recorded when the current contact information for the foreclosing lender or its authorized representative changes.
(Added by Ord. No. 9988 (N.S.), effective 7-16-09)