Residential dischargers shall install and maintain BMPs and implement pollution prevention practices, as follows:
(a) Motor Vehicle or Boat Repair and Maintenance.
(1) All repair and maintenance activities shall be performed under a permanent roof or other permanent cover, where feasible.
(2) All maintenance and repair activities conducted without cover or without BMPs to prevent discharges are prohibited during times of precipitation.
(3) Any release of fluids, including boat bilge water, during repair or maintenance shall be promptly contained and cleaned up. Any absorbent materials used shall be disposed of as required by law.
(4) Degreasing or pressure washing of engines and other parts is prohibited unless the liquid wastes are contained and properly disposed of as required by law.
(5) Automotive and boat materials and wastes shall be stored indoors, under cover, or in secure and watertight containers.
(b) Residential Motor Vehicle Washing.
(1) Individual motor vehicles shall be washed over porous surfaces such as lawns and gravel areas where feasible.
(2) Unused detergent solutions shall not be disposed of directly or indirectly into the stormwater conveyance system or receiving waters. Disposal to the sanitary sewer, such as a sink, toilet or floor drain or to a porous surface, where allowed by this Chapter, is required.
(3) The use of "hose off" or single use engine degreasing chemicals is prohibited, unless captured and disposed of properly.
(4) Motor vehicle washing other than individual residential motor vehicle washing is prohibited.
(5) Degreasing or pressure washing of engines and other parts is prohibited unless the liquid wastes are contained and properly disposed of as required by law.
(c) Motor Vehicle Parking.
(1) Residential dischargers shall remove excessive accumulations of oil and grease deposited by vehicles they own from parking areas, using dry clean-up methods such as absorbents, scraping, vacuuming, sweeping, mop and bucket.
(2) Residential dischargers shall move vehicles from streets when notified to allow street cleaning.
(d) Home and garden care activities and product use.
(1) Residential dischargers or their contractors shall adjust irrigation systems to avoid run-off that causes discharges to the stormwater conveyance system or receiving waters.
(2) Residential dischargers or their contractors shall clean up and properly dispose of spills from gardening chemicals, fertilizers or soils to non- porous surfaces.
(3) Lawn and garden care products shall be stored in closed, labeled containers, such as in covered areas, off the ground, or under protective tarps, and in a manner that will not lead to a discharge.
(4) Disposal of household hazardous waste directly or indirectly to the trash or to the street, gutter or storm drain is prohibited.
(e) Home care and maintenance.
(1) Cleaning of painting equipment in or over streets, sidewalks, gutters, or yard drains is prohibited.
(2) Action shall be taken to minimize and contain all spills of hazardous materials, if it is safe to do so.
(3) Household hazardous materials shall be stored indoors or under cover, and in closed and labeled containers.
(f) Manure and pet waste management.
(1) Where practicable, all areas where livestock, horses or other large animals are confined, shall be bermed or curbed to contain animal waste where it is produced or managed to prevent discharge of waste or waste byproducts to the stormwater conveyance system or receiving waters. If compliance is not practicable, manure shall be cleaned up at least twice weekly and must be composted or properly stored prior to disposal.
(2) Wastes from small animals (e.g., dogs and cats) shall be cleaned up and properly disposed of at least weekly.
(3) Areas used for storing or composting manure shall be located, configured or managed to prevent run-off to stormwater conveyance system or receiving waters.
(g) Private sewer laterals and on-site wastewater systems.
(1) Private sewer laterals shall be cleaned, maintained and when necessary replaced to prevent seepage and spills. On-site wastewater systems shall be pumped, maintained and when necessary modified or replaced to prevent spills.
(2) Spills from private sewer laterals and on-site wastewater systems shall be contained and cleaned-up in a manner that minimizes any release of pollutants to the stormwater conveyance system or receiving waters.
(3) Any release from a private sewer lateral that enters the stormwater conveyance system or receiving waters shall be immediately reported to the County.
(4) Failed on-site wastewater systems shall be repaired or replaced.
(Added by Ord. No. 9424 (N.S.), effective 2-20-02; amended by Ord. No. 9589 (N.S.), effective 9-5-03; amended by Ord. No. 9926 (N.S.), effective 4-11-08; amended by Ord. No. 10096 (N.S.), effective 1-7-11; amended by Ord. No. 10385 (N.S.), effective 6-12-15; amended by Ord. No. 10410 (N.S.), effective 2-26-16)