The following definitions shall apply to this chapter and to Chapter 3 of this Title:
(a) A proposed subdivision which pursuant to the terms of Government Code Section 66424 or 66426 is exempt from the requirement to file a Tentative Map or Tentative Parcel Map is not subject to this ordinance unless it also involves an application for a General Plan or Specific Plan adoption or amendment, a zoning reclassification, or a Major Use Permit or modification thereof.
(b) The following Major Use Permits or Major Use Permit modifications are exempt from this ordinance:
(1) Those involving the construction of agricultural and ranch support structures used in the production, storage, or processing of food, fiber, and flowers, including but not limited to roadside stands, barns, sheds, packing houses, and greenhouses, except that this exception does not apply to feed lots.
(2) Those involving new or expanded agricultural land uses, including but not limited to changes in commodities produced on the property, operations performed upon such commodities, and development of additional irrigated acreage on the property unless accompanied by subdivision.
This agricultural exemption does not supersede or limit the application of any law or regulation otherwise applicable to the above-listed categories of agricultural support activities including the California Environmental Quality Act. For purposes of this exemption, "agricultural and ranch support structures" do not include the commercial exportation of groundwater for purposes of resale outside the basin.
(c) The Director may grant an exemption from the requirement for a Groundwater Investigation imposed by Section 67.721 or 67.722.B, the requirement for Well Tests imposed by Section 67.721 or 67.722.C, or the requirement for minimum parcel sizes imposed by Section 67.722.A, upon a finding that existing data clearly demonstrate that the finding required by Section 67.722.B can be made without additional study. Such data may include a recent history (minimum of five years) of groundwater withdrawals or streamflow data and other geomorphic evidence which indicates that replenishment of groundwater resources is rapid and reliable, and is controlled primarily by infiltration of streamflow rather than on-site recharge.
(d) Projects within the Borrego Springs Subbasin are exempt from minimum parcel sizes imposed by Section 67.722.A.
(Added by Ord. No. 7994 (N.S.), effective 11-15-91; amended by Ord. No. 9826 (N.S.), effective 3-2-07; amended by Ord. No. 10249 (N.S.), effective 3-1-13; amended by Ord. No. 10866 (N.S.), effective 11-10-23)