Floor sinks shall be properly plumbed and installed with the sink top flush with the floor surface. All condensate and similar liquid waste shall be drained by means of a rigid indirectly connected waste lines into open floor sinks, or as approved by the Director. Horizontal runs of drain lines shall be at least six inches (6") off the floor, sloped toward floor sinks at a rate of one quarter inch (1/4") per foot, and shall terminate at least one inch (1") above the overflow rim of the floor sink. Floor sinks shall be located so that they are readily accessible for inspection, cleaning, and repairs, and not located in a walkway. Waste lines shall not cross any aisle, traffic area, or door opening. Floor sinks are not permitted inside walk-in units unless they are indirectly connected to the sewer system through a legal air gap.
(Added by Ord. No. 9525 (N.S.), effective 1-10-03)