It shall be the goal of the city to address discrimination against women and girls. In doing so, the city aspires to achieve the principles identified in CEDAW. This Chapter provides for methods in which the city can identify practices and policies and implement changes to help further the following goals of CEDAW:
A. Economic Development:
1. Look for ways to improve the city's commitment to the elimination of discrimination against women and girls in the city in economic opportunities, including, but not limited to:
a. Employment opportunities, including the application of the same criteria for selection in matters of employment and the right to receive access to vocational training for nontraditional jobs;
b. Promotion, job security and all benefits and conditions of service, regardless of parental status, particularly encouraging the appointment of women to decision-making positions, city revenue generating posts, and managing commissions and departments;
c. Equal renumeration, including benefits and equal pay with respect to work of equal value;
d. Protection of heath and safety in working conditions, including supporting efforts not to purchase sweatshop good and slavery-produced goods, regular inspection of work premises, protection from harassment and violent acts in workplaces, and reasonable accommodations for pregnant and nursing mothers;
e. Encourage and, where possible, support the necessary social services to enable all people to combine family obligations with work responsibilities and participation in public life, in particular, through promoting the establishment and development of an accessible, affordable, and qualify network of child care facilities, paid family leave, and family-friendly policies;
f. Promote access to safe and affordable housing and transportation; and
g. Encourage the use of public education and all other available means to urge financial institutions to facilitate women's access to bank accounts, loans, mortgages, and other forms of financial services.
B. Violence Against Women And Girls:
1. Look for opportunities to pursue appropriate measures to prevent and redress sexual and domestic violence and trafficking of women and girls, including, but not limited to:
a. Enforcement of criminal and civil remedies;
b. Seek resources and encourage ways for survivors to receive appropriate protective and supportive services, including, but not limited to medical, counseling, shelter, rehabilitation programs, and hotline services;
c. Provide gender sensitive training for city employees regarding sexual and domestic violence and trafficking of women and girls; and
d. Identify ways for perpetrators of violence against women and girls to receive rehabilitative services.
2. Study how issues of labor trafficking, sexual exploitation and trafficking, and domestic servitude affect the city; and
3. Identify means in which the city can help identify how city construction projects are designed to promote the safety of women and girls.
C. Education:
1. Support schools in the city in delivering access to high quality education; and
2. Develop and manage out of school recreational programs in an equitable manner.
D. Delivery Of City Services:
1. Gender equity shall permeate every level of city operations - as leaders, employers, and service providers; and
2. City services shall be delivered using a gender equity lens. (Ord. 43-22, 2022)