21A.48.010: Purpose And Intent
21A.48.020: Applicability
21A.48.030: Authority
21A.48.040: Responsibility And Maintenance
21A.48.050: Landscape Plan
21A.48.060: Landscape Requirements
21A.48.070: Parking Lot Landscaping
21A.48.080: General Standards
21A.48.090: Private Lands Tree Preservation
21A.48.100: Appeal
The purpose of this chapter is to promote water conservation, preserve and expand Salt Lake City's urban tree canopy, improve air quality, and reduce urban heat islands and stormwater runoff. These regulations are intended to encourage low impact development principals into overall landscape design in a way that is attractive, and to mitigate impacts through buffering between dissimilar zoning districts. (Ord. 12-24, 2024)
A. The requirements of this chapter may be modified by the zoning administrator, on a case-by-case basis where innovative landscaping design that furthers the purpose and intent of this chapter is implemented, or in response to input from:
1. Police Department;
2. Public Utilities; or
3. Urban Forestry. (Ord. 12-24, 2024)
A. All landscaping shall:
1. Maintain a clearance from grade level to 7 feet above the sidewalk, or 10 feet above a street;
2. Not create a hedge or visual barrier between the sidewalk and street;
3. Not create obstructions within a sight distance triangle, as defined and illustrated in Chapter 21A.62 of this title;
4. Be maintained in live condition to present a reasonably healthy appearance; and
5. Be kept free of refuse, debris, and noxious weeds.
B. Landscape Yards: The owner of the property shall be responsible for the correct installation, maintenance, repair, or replacement of all landscaping, and obtain permits as required by the provisions of this chapter.
C. Park Strips.
1. The owner of the property abutting the park strip shall be responsible for the correct installation, maintenance, repair, or replacement of all landscaping and obtain permits as required by the provisions of this chapter.
2. Exclusions: Any street tree planting or maintenance pursuant to Subsections 21A.48.040.D.1 and 21A.48.040.D.2.
D. Street Trees.
1. Salt Lake City's expectation is to preserve street trees. Planting, cutting, removing, pruning, and any other maintenance of street trees is subject to approval by the Salt Lake City Urban Forestry Division as described in Section 2.26.210 of this code.
2. It is the abutting property owner's responsibility to:
a. Contact the Salt Lake City Urban Forestry Division to request maintenance on a street tree and obtain required approval for any changes made to a street tree.
b. Provide sufficient irrigation to a street tree located in the abutting park strip.
3. Root Zone Protection: The root zone of all street trees shall be protected when impacted by any construction work on the abutting property or within the right-of-way when a street tree is present.
4. Irrigation.
a. When a Landscaping Plan is required, as described in Section 21A.48.050, street trees shall be irrigated with a permanent automatic irrigation system.
b. Street tree irrigation systems are the responsibility of the abutting property owner to install and maintain. It shall provide water adequately and efficiently to each street tree, as determined by the Salt Lake City Urban Forestry Division.
E. Irrigation Systems:
1. Shall be maintained in good operating condition to eliminate water waste or run-off into the public right-of-way.
2. Shall be appropriate for the designated plant material and achieves the highest water efficiency.
3. All irrigation systems, including drip irrigation shall be equipped with a pressure regulator, filter, flush-end assembly, and backflow preventer.
4. Each valve shall irrigate landscaping with similar site, slope, soil conditions, and similar watering needs.
5. Turf and planting beds shall be irrigated on separate irrigation valves; and,
6. Drip emitters and sprinklers shall be placed on separate irrigation valves.
7. Irrigation systems are required to use an irrigation controller that can automatically adjust the frequency and duration of irrigation in response to changing weather conditions and have a US-EPA WaterSense label.
8. Any fountain, pond, and other similar water feature supplied through the culinary water system shall have a recirculating system.
9. Backflow preventer assemblies shall be designed and installed and maintained according to the standards as outlined in the "Salt Lake City Landscape BMPs For Water Resource Efficiency and Protection" or the documents' successor. (Ord. 12-24, 2024)