21A.04.010: Organization Of Title
21A.04.020: Interpretation
21A.04.030: Building/Demolition Permits Required
This title is organized into six (6) parts as described in subsection A of this section and includes different types of zoning districts and regulations for the use and development of land as described in subsections B and C of this section.
A. Structure Of This Title: This title consists of:
Part I | Introductory Provisions |
Part II | Administration And Enforcement |
Part III | Specific District Regulations |
Part IV | Regulations Of General Applicability |
Part V | Amendments And Special Approvals |
Part VI | General Terms |
B. Types Of Zoning Districts In This Title: This title establishes three (3) types of zoning districts: 1) base zoning districts; 2) special purpose districts; and 3) overlay districts. These districts are found in part III of this title. Base zoning districts regulate the types of activities and land uses that may take place on a particular lot with appropriate regulations and development standards for each district. Special purpose districts consist of regulations that address special types of land uses, such as the airport or institutional uses. Overlay districts consist of regulations that address specific subjects that may be applicable in a variety of areas in the City, such as historic areas or environmentally sensitive areas.
C. Types Of Regulations In This Title: The following types of regulations are contained in this title:
1. Land Use Regulations: Land use regulations for each base zoning district specify land uses permitted as of right, or allowed after obtaining conditional use approval. The regulations include special requirements applicable to specific uses. Land use regulations for all districts appear in part III of this title. Land use regulations may be modified by overlay districts also found in part III of this title, or by procedures in part V, "Amendments And Special Approvals", of this title.
2. Development Standards: Development standards for each zoning district include fixed dimensional standards and performance standards. Fixed dimensional standards are numerical maximum or minimum conditions which govern the development on a site. These standards are intended to promote uniformity of development in terms of the dimensions being controlled. Performance standards establish certain criteria which must be met on a site, but allow flexibility as to how those criteria can be met.
Development standards control the height, size, location and other particular aspects of structures and uses on sites intended for development. These standards also prescribe buffering requirements between districts and between certain potentially incompatible uses. Development standards for each zoning district appear in part III of this title. Development standards for base zoning districts may be modified by overlay districts which are found in part III of this title, or through procedures in part V, "Amendments And Special Approvals", of this title. The development standards in part III of this title are supplemented by additional development standards in part IV of this title. The development standards in part IV of this title also include sign regulations applicable to the zoning districts.
3. Administration: Administration includes creation of, and allocation of powers and duties to, decision making bodies and officials, requirements for zoning certificates, general application and public hearing procedures for administrative interpretations, appeals of administrative decisions and variances. These administrative regulations appear in part II of this title.
4. Enforcement: Enforcement contains the remedies available to the City to enforce this title. These regulations appear in part II of this title.
D. General Terms In This Title: Chapter 21A.60 of this title includes a list, with cross references, and chapter 21A.62 of this title includes definitions for terms used in this title. (Ord. 46-17, 2017: Ord. 54-14, 2014: Ord. 35-99 § 103, 1999: Ord. 26-95 § 2(2-1), 1995)
The regulations contained in this title shall be interpreted and applied in accordance with the following rules:
A. Minimum Requirements: All regulations shall be construed as the minimum requirements necessary to promote the public health, safety, morals, convenience, order, prosperity and welfare of the present and future inhabitants of the City.
B. Relationship To Easements, Covenants And Other Agreements: The provisions of this title are not intended to interfere with, abrogate or require enforcement by the City of any legally enforceable easements, covenants, or other agreements between private parties that may restrict the use of land or dimensions of structures more than the provisions of this title. When the regulations of this title impose greater restrictions than are imposed by such easements, covenants or other agreements between parties, or than are required by laws or other applicable ordinances, the provisions of this title shall control.
C. Number: A word importing the singular number may be applied to plural persons and things. The use of the plural number shall include any single person or thing.
D. Tense: The present tense of a word includes the future tense as well.
E. Shall, May: The word "shall" is mandatory; the word "may" is permissive.
F. Computation Of Time: The time within which an act is to be done shall be computed by excluding the first and including the last day. If the last day is a Saturday, Sunday or legal holiday recognized by the City, that day shall be excluded.
G. Year: The word "year" shall mean any consecutive twelve (12) month period unless otherwise indicated. (Ord. 26-95 § 2(2-2), 1995)