It is unlawful, whether acting as owner, occupant or contractor, or otherwise to erect, construct, reconstruct, alter, demolish, or change the use of any building or other structure within Salt Lake City contrary to any provisions of this title without first obtaining a building or demolition permit from the Division of Building Services and Licensing unless the proposed improvements are such that the Division of Building Services and Licensing does not require a permit. It is also unlawful for any person, whether acting as owner, occupant or contractor to install any hard surfacing material, other than sidewalks, ornamental landscaping features, or for the minor repair of existing legal hard surfaced areas on any property without first obtaining a building permit from the Division of Building Services and Licensing. It is also unlawful for any person, whether acting as an owner, occupant or contractor, to install accessory structures without first obtaining a building permit from the Division of Building Services and Licensing, unless the adopted Building Code excludes such accessory structure from a building permit requirement.
Projects located within the boundaries of a Historic Preservation Overlay District, or on a landmark site shall submit an application for certificate of appropriateness for all improvements regardless of any building permit requirements. (Ord. 11-10 § 3, 2010)