10.03.060: RIGHTS:
   A.   Use Of And Access To City Facilities: All facilities owned and operated by the city, including, but not limited to, recreational facilities shall allow those listed on the mutual commitment registry, and his or her children, to be included in any rights and privileges accorded a spouse and children for purposes of use and access to city facilities.
   B.   Healthcare Visitation: When a declarant is a patient in any healthcare facility operating within the city, such healthcare facility shall allow the other declarant listed on the mutual commitment registry to visit such patient unless no visitors are allowed or the patient expresses a desire that visitation by the declarant be restricted. As used in this section, "healthcare facility" means every place, institution, building or agency, whether organized for profit or not, which provides facilities with medical services, nursing services, health screening services, other health related services, and supervisory care services.
   C.   Other Benefits: The city may, from time to time, be asked by the city council or administration or by private employers licensed to do business within the city to have the registry act as verification of the mutual commitment status for other benefits which meet the goals of this chapter to promote the public health, safety and welfare and prosperity of its citizens. (Ord. 16-08 § 1, 2008)