10.03.010: PURPOSE:
The city is committed to promoting justice, equity, and inclusiveness in the provision of healthcare and many other benefits to all of its citizens that might be offered by the city or by private employers licensed by the city. The city finds that it is made up of a diversity of households and that in those households relationships exist in many different forms. Those forms include committed, unmarried couples in either same or opposite sex relationships; parent and child relationships; other familial relationships; and committed friendships. The city wishes to promote the public health, safety, welfare, and prosperity of its citizens and generally improve overall quality of life by allowing for the efficient and streamlined disposition of healthcare benefits or other benefits that the city or businesses licensed within the city might offer to their employees, including an employee's designee listed on the mutual commitment registry. The city finds that a city maintained list is the best way for the city and for businesses licensed within the city to reliably ascertain whether an employee's designee listed on the mutual commitment registry and beneficiaries are eligible for such benefits. Therefore, it is the policy of the city to allow any two (2) adults in a committed relationship who meet the mutual commitment registry criteria to register with the city and to obtain a certificate attesting to their status. (Ord. 16-08 § 1, 2008)