3.36.010: Short Title
3.36.020: Purpose
3.36.030: Definitions
3.36.040: Establishment Of Cleanup Criteria And Other Regulations
3.36.045: Cleanup Of Real And Personal Property
3.36.050: Application; Time Limitations
3.36.060: Application; Investigation And Recommendation
3.36.065: Qualification For Assistance
3.36.070: Reduction In Assistance
3.36.080: Payment Does Not Imply Liability
3.36.090: Budget Expenditures
3.36.100: Claims From Other Governmental Agencies
The purpose of this chapter is to assist in the cleanup of real and personal property, and/or compensate persons for the loss of real or personal property, destroyed or damaged as the result of a break, leak, backup or other failure of city facilities, regardless of fault, within the restrictions, limitations and other provisions of this chapter. (Ord. 23-06 § 2, 2006)
Unless the context specifically indicates otherwise, the following terms and phrases, as used in this chapter, shall have the meanings hereinafter designated:
ACTUAL CASH VALUE: The actual, depreciated value of an item, and not the replacement value.
CITY: Salt Lake City Corporation, a political subdivision of the state.
CITY ATTORNEY: The city attorney or his/her designee.
CITY FACILITIES: Any culinary water, sanitary sewer or storm sewer pipeline, any irrigation water canal, and all related appurtenances, which are owned, operated and maintained by the department.
CLEANUP: All activities necessary to reasonably restore destroyed or damaged real and personal property to its pre-event condition, in accordance with cleanup criteria.
CLEANUP CONTRACTOR: An independent disaster cleanup contractor, licensed to do business in the state.
CLEANUP CRITERIA: Cleanup standards, procedures and protocol established by the director pursuant to this chapter.
DEPARTMENT: The city's department of public utilities.
DIRECTOR: The director of the department, or his/her designee.
FORCE MAJEURE: Acts of God; acts of public enemies; insurrection; riots; war; landslides; lightning; earthquakes; fires; storms; floods; washouts; droughts; civil disturbances; explosions; acts of terrorism, sabotage; or any other similar cause or event not reasonably within the city's control.
PERSON OR APPLICANT: Any individual, partnership, firm, company, corporation, association, joint stock company, trust, estate or any other legal entity (except the United States government or any of its agencies, and the state and any of its agencies and political subdivisions) or their legal representatives, agents or assigns.
PRIVATE FACILITIES: Any pipelines and related facilities which are owned and operated by a property owner, and which connect to city facilities.
PROPERTY OWNER: The owner of the premises which has sustained a loss described in this chapter, or any person lawfully in possession of such premises. (Ord. 23-06 § 2, 2006)
The director shall, from time to time, establish cleanup criteria which shall constitute the standard for cleanup and payment under this chapter. In establishing such cleanup criteria, the director shall give due consideration to generally available health guidelines, recommendations from industry, governmental and academic experts, and other sources of guidance reasonably deemed by the director to be balanced, unbiased, and protective of health and safety. The director may establish such additional rules, regulations and procedures which are consistent with this chapter, as may be necessary or convenient in effecting the purposes of this chapter. (Ord. 23-06 § 2, 2006)
A. The director shall, in accordance with the city's standard procurement procedures, engage the services of one or more cleanup contractors to perform cleanup services at the direction of the director on an as needed basis.
B. Upon discovering a break, leak, backup or other failure of city facilities, or any damage resulting from the same, a property owner shall immediately notify the director of such event.
C. Upon notification of the occurrence of the event, the director shall contact a cleanup contractor under contract with the city pursuant to subsection A of this section, and direct the cleanup contractor to perform all cleanup work at the premises, in accordance with established cleanup criteria.
D. In the event the property owner engages the services of a cleanup contractor prior to notifying the director of the event, the department may reimburse the property owner for actual expenses incurred by the property owner, but only up to the amount the department would have paid its own cleanup contractor under subsection C of this section.
E. In the event the damaged real or personal property cannot, in the judgment of the director, be reasonably restored to its pre- event condition, in accordance with the cleanup criteria, the department may pay to the property owner the estimated actual cash value, at the time of the event, of such property. Such value shall be determined by a professional appraiser engaged by the city for such purpose.
F. In no event shall the department pay, or reimburse the property owner for the payment of, special or consequential damages. (Ord. 23-06 § 2, 2006)
Any request for cleanup under subsection 3.36.045C of this chapter, reimbursement of cleanup expenses under subsection 3.36.045D of this chapter, or payment of actual cash value under subsection 3.36.045E of this chapter, shall be made by filing a written application in such form as shall be prescribed by the director pursuant to section 3.36.040 of this chapter; provided that the initial request for cleanup may be made by contacting the director by telephone or other means, followed by a written application. Written applications shall be submitted to the city recorder within ninety (90) days after the occurrence of the event. (Ord. 23-06 § 2, 2006)